
The one where Lily rolls over!

This all started on Tuesday. After no signs of getting anywhere near rolling over… suddenly she wouldn’t stop. Now she gets all kinds of mad because she can only do it one way and gets stuck on her tummy. Which is all well and good for a while, but she gets lazy and doesn’t want to hold her head up anymore, lol.


Beth said...

She is too sweet! But look out Momma, this is how it all starts.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my!! Lily in motion!! She is beautiful, Sara and Jacob..... love, Aunt Mary and Uncle Chuck

Anonymous said...

Go Lily! Rock and roll!

Thanks for the congrats, Sara! I keep meaning to email you back but I'm hip-deep in emails right now and trying to fight my way out is a losing proposition... Needless to say though, we're the best kind of tired and so very, very happy!
