

David spends half his day screaming.

We have reached that stage where he realizes if I sit him down, and decide to walk away, that he can't follow me. It makes him  mad. (to say the least)

He sits, but tummy time is still quite unpopular so it looks like crawling won't be any time soon.

If he can't crawl, he can't follow.  If he can't follow, he screams.  Say a prayer for my sanity.


Ells said...

Oh friend- you got it. Prayers for sanity.

Brittany Oldham Przybyla said...

How is the baby doing? Has he stopped screaming yet? I have been in transition for a few months, so haven't checked my blogs in a while...I am sad you don't blog anymore. Hope you get this note. You kids are so cute!

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord,
Keep Sara sane please. Her kids need her.