
Christmas Presents

I'm working on Christmas presents this weekend.

One thing we do, and I'm not spoiling a surprise because we do the same thing every year, is make photo-books of the kids for their Godparents.

I use and was very pleasantly surprised by their new "smartFIT" program that puts all your photos on pages by date and time.  So they are pretty darn close to where I want them from the get go!  I move a few things around, pick a few different layouts, add a few captions and I am good. to. go!

So anyway, looking at all these pictures of my kids has me all amazed at how big they are.

A year ago this weekend Lily and preggo Me(-o) were in Cali picking out a tree with my parents.

Discussing the merits of a good Christmas tree.

David's in this picture too! ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Totally amazes me how fast she's grown up. Dave too for that matter. And I CAN'T WAIT FOR MY PRESENT! It's my favorite part of the year now! <3