
Potty Training

You know... in case you were wondering.

Our official position is that we are NOT potty training at the moment.

Having said that, I think it's all potty training.  We talk about how Mommy pees in the potty, when she follows me into the bathroom.  We talk about Lily peeing and pooping in her diaper and occasionally take solid waste to dump in the toilet (which she thinks is hilarious) and she says goodbye to it and helps flush the toilet. 

When she elects to wear cloth diapers... yes, I often give her the choice now, and we are about 30/70 in favor of disposable... we discuss where poop goes and she will tell me she shouldn't poop in her cloth diaper, that poop goes in the potty. 

She sits on the little toilet seat on the toilet as we get ready for a bath or shower, and occasionally just for the fun of it.

However, we have only had two successful potty events.  Once she was already in the bath and I could see a poop coming on... so that was pretty much all me.  And the other time she was chilling waiting for the bath water to finish filling, so I don't give her credit for that either.

Lily still denies a dirty diaper when asked.  And very infrequently askes to be changed.  I'm waiting on that one, as a sure sign she is tired of being dirty and ready to start "training."

The average age for a girl to potty train is 36 months anyway, so I feel no pressure.  (Boys are 39 months.)

Besides all that, I can imagine working so hard at it all and then David comes along and she wants to be a baby again....

What are my other mommy friends doing on the potty training front?


Julie Danielle said...

You are so smart Sara. Daniel was so so hard to train. Took almost 2 years but finally it happened. Now with Drew he will go pee on the potty when I take him but that is as far as he is going right now. I try not to worry so much about it all because I know it will eventually happen for him too.

I have friends with 18 month olds who start asking to go potty...not the case in this house.

Linda said...

I think you are right that it's all potty training. We are doing the same thing with sam. He's only gone a few times on the potty (though one of them was a poopy and his idea) but I think the fact that he's not too vocal yet means we've got a long way to go. Which is prefectly fine because you know, they all train on their own schedule!

Beth said...

How funny you should bring this up since we had a "nakie bum potty training 4 day weekend" weekend (I'm pretty sure that makes no sense, but I'm also pretty sure you know what I mean), which I plan on blogging about tomorrow.

Or one day next week.

You know.

Whenever I get to it.

Ells said...

looking forward to hearing Beth's story...

Brittany Oldham Przybyla said...

OR, she could decide she's the BIG girl now (with the baby) and want to go in the potty. I gave up with Robert because he was so hard, and after I had Libby, he was 3.5 by the way, he was suddenly the big boy, and went to the potty, and never looked back...I mean 0 accidents! Wait till she's ready...she'll tell you. BTW you look FABULOUS!

Unknown said...

wow! is it the middle of February already? Time does fly when you are not the pregnant one. You look lovely! So happy all is well and you are enjoying the experience. Hugs, Momma White

Anonymous said...

I say don't worry about it. Wes wanted to when he turned 2, but then it became a battle. When he was 2 1/2, we had moved, and did it then and it worked out fine. I'm going to wait until the summer, and when she is dry after naps. Meg has a mind of her own and I'm not doing battle. She won't go to college in a diaper so it will all work itself out eventually:) Plus, you don't want to be running to the potty with Lil every 20 minutes while trying to breast feed, heal, sleep, everything else. Give yourself time.

Jacob said...

You're a good Mommy honey. Does Lily even fit on the changing table anymore? She is going to have to be changed on the floor pretty soon. Love you guys.