
Oh, Lily

She's pushing three or something.

She's an attention monger, and with David hating to be put down, most days are a struggle for me.

Today she was softly kicking (can one kick softly?) her brother in the back as he was finally playing nicely by himself on the floor.  I got the impression she didn't really want to hurt him, she was just looking for my reaction.  I did my best to distract her.  Which is more than I can say for the times when I am nursing and she tries to tickle him and get in his face.  I've told her many times that she has to wait until he's done to play, or flat out stopped nursing (can you hear his screams?) to put her on time out.  (Side note:  I can now send Lily to time out, and she actually goes!)  Today was sad though because she pulled a fistful of his hair before I could stop her... and before I could even think about it I had a handful of her hair.  I managed to get a hold of myself before I pulled, but it really freaked us both out.

I went so far as to make suggestions about things she could do and say when she just needed a fix of Mommy.  Ask Mommy if, when she is finished, she can read a book with you.  Ask Mommy if you can sing a song together.  Tell Mommy you would like a hug. Ask Mommy how you can help.

I know, that last one was wishful thinking.

Here's hoping tomorrow goes smoother.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I've had some of those same moments lately. Why must siblings learn how to antagonize each other so early on? And then we teach them it's not okay, why must they make it their young life mission to do so anyways? And in MY case . . . timeouts are accompanied with the slamming of doors and talking back. I used to think I would not tolerate that. I know better now. Picking battles is a fine art, and if I've learned anything, it's never to say I will never do something.

THEN... they say just the right things and we forget about the ugly moments.

Love you, Girlie !