
Days Three and Four and Five - A Little Late

Day Three saw us starting out from about half way through Arkansas.  I was a woman possessed by the need to get across the country! We set an alarm for 2:30am and were in the car and on the go by 3:00am.  The kids slept nicely until 7:30! 

We pushed through Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas and almost all of New Mexico by 8:00pm that evening.

Jake and Lily were a little annoyed with me. ;)  So instead of making them do another day like Day Three, which would have gotten us to my parents on Friday, I called my Aunt and Uncle who live just a little over the halfway (of what was left) mark to see what they were doing Friday night.

Turns out they were home and happy to have us. AND helped us celebrate The Dave's birthday! Since they are the parents of David's Godmother, who I am pretty sure was happy to see him.

(Oh and Mia and Lily got to play too! Hi Mia!)

Okay so back to my story. Day Four was about nine hours in the car, the last few miles of New Mexico, all of Arizona (Wrong interstate, sorry Kate and the Cooks!) and into Cali!

Heeeellllloooooo Cali!

We had a little party for David and hit the sack.

Day Five we took our time getting started, with just another six hours to get us to good ol' Herald, CA. 

And it's nice to not be in the car today!

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