
It's Coming...

We've confirmed that the packers are coming in next week.

And yet, I still don't feel like everything is in place.

Jacob's Change of Command is Tuesday and I'm wary, in a I'll-believe-it-when-I-see-it kind of way.  And the house is such a mess.  I'm still mid-project, make that mid-at-least-half-a-dozen-projects, all over the house and there are still boxes half unpacked from the last move.  

I'm trying to let Lily have her last week of preschool (and her Valentine's party), and be here for the packers, and go to Jake's C of C, and my husband wants to/has to jump to remain current and do all his close out paperwork.  All packed into one week.  Why does it feel like everything wants to happen on the same day!?

And not only is this a move, but it's also vacation, so we won't even be going to meet our stuff right away.  Which means I have to load the van up with clothes and stuff for vacationing, all my plants, items for settling into the new house when we get it and before our stuff arrives, and let's not forget cleaning supplies for neatening-up this place before we turn the keys back over.

Oh, and now that I've mentioned the van.  Can I just tell you how much I am not looking forward to a five or six day drive across the country.  with my two kids. and my husband. all strapped in.  for five days.

And I wonder why I can't sleep....


Meagan said...

Mail boxes a plane ticket and meet the kids and husband on the other end (just teasing). Good luck!

Ells said...

Deep breaths, friend. And let me know if I can help you!

Unknown said...

I empathize with you, Sara. I, too, being a loving, nurturing, caring, compassionate Mom, myself, would NOT wish to travel cross country with my own offspring, either. Ever ... well. . . yep, EVER.
ha !
Practice DEEP breathing before you go. ;)
And know that the kids will not remember this trip, only you two will.

Love you guys lots.