...ah, starting over. In so many ways. I am starting over with the whole attempting to blog thing. Starting over in a new home, in a new place. And I am just plain starting with this whole parenting business. (... so far so good)
So I am trying again with the whole blog thingy (Beth Walter is my idol.) especially now that we are once again so far away from friends and family. And the fact that I am no longer fighting with the dial-up internet at my parent's house helps too! Talk about some fast internet, feels like darn near instantaneous.
Our new place in GA is coming together. Sometimes rather slowly as we now run on Lily-time. I am unpacking... one box at a time. But it is definitly starting to look like a home now. I received the second household goods shipment the day after I flew in so we actually have mattresses and couches to sit on. :) We just ordered the bedroom furniture and dining room chairs last night. A few more weeks and we should be all put together!

John and Dianna, Jacob's parents, are here in the area for a few weeks. They live in their motor-home full time and were generous enough to agree to come to GA as soon as Lily and I could get here. Grandma comes over most days to hold the baby while I am working on getting the house in order.
And of course, LILY IS HERE! Gosh, I wish I knew where to begin. All the other Moms (okay, parents) out there reading this know what I mean. She is pretty darn cute. This pic is from Easter so I know I am a little behind, but whatever. She turned four weeks old on Wednesday... as they say time flies. It is amazing just how much she has changed in such a short time. She is so alert and interactive already... I tease that no one told her how old she is so she just assumes she is older and thus can do more than the average kid her age. She can track (with her eyes) in archs both above and below her midline. And I swear that smile is at me and not just a content smile... no really, I mean it... it just started in the last two days. Now I am ready for her to start cooing in conversation, that's only happened a couple of times so far.
Anyway, we are doing well and settling in. Oh and one more picture... Lily has always been camera shy, lol. "No pictures, please."