
Is that so wrong?

Okay... I know she is really too little but Lily sleeps so much better on her tummy than she does on her back. (That stupid Moro Reflex wakes her every ten min!) So I've given to letting her... just for naptimes, and I check on her every little while. Is that so wrong?


Niki said...

Hey Sara,
So glad that you're blogging again. It really is a great way to stay in touch with everyone. Hope you are all getting cozy in Ga. Lily is adorable. I have to say she looks like her daddy, but has your dark hair, so she's a good mix.
I was a total spaz about SIDS and Jack sleeping on his back. The most important thing is that baby's happy and that you get that much needed nap time too. If she sleeps better on her tummy, by all means.... :-) Only YOU know what's best for your baby. How much unwanted advice have you gotten so far??? :-) Aaahhh...motherhood. It really is the greatest thing though, isn't it?? :-) Tell Jacob we said HI!!!

Beth said...

Both of my slept on their tummies the entire time...I'll bet you slept on your tummy because I think that was the thing to do back then. Like Niki said, so long as you're both sleeping, who cares? I also used blankets and pillows and had stuffed animals in their beds from day one. I'm so bad. Heehee!

Anonymous said...

I agree, you do what works for you. Megan started sleeping 7-8 hrs a night at 7 weeks and the doctor said to wake her up after 5 hrs - I don't think so! She's adorble - glad you're doing so well.