

So this video is from about a month ago... it's the only word she knows, but she blows people away when she says it randomly while we are out. "Did she really just say that?" Yes... she did. She knows if she says it, you'll say it back. Of course, I am prompting her for the sake of showing off on video... but whatever.


Anonymous said...

So what does she say? We don't have a sound card on our computer:(

Sara said...

:) she says "hi" :)
But she's no where near crawling... like I assume sweet Megan is already doing. :(

Anonymous said...

egan unfortunately learned to crawl at 6 1/2 months and started standing up on everything at 7 months. I blame Wes. God help me if she is walking before 1 - I can barely keep up with the two of them. Loved the new pics - glad all is going well!!