
What a day!

It's not even 2:00 yet and we have had a very busy morning. It all started with yogurt for breakfast. Yes, I realize her hair is in her eyes.
Then there was the half an hour of crying because someone did not want to take their nap.... This is the colapsed-on-the-stuffed-animals pose that is getting to be pretty popular around here.

Next up on our list of things to do today, make a liar out of mommy. This is what happened when Lily went for the tree and pulled off a bright red apple, I think she really thought she could eat it. Nope, just paint all over the face. (Note the lovely bruise under her left eye... there was a fight with the coffee table a few days ago.)
Ah, time for some chores. Laundry anyone? Look familiar? How many of you Mommies are smiling and nodding?

And then for the really fun stuff, Lil and I in our matching aprons, whipping up a batch of gingerbread. She just went down for her afternoon nap, so we will have to cut them out and bake them later, but we'll be sure to post pics.


Ells said...

I love the one of you two in matching aprons, and just sigh happily, thinking of you making gingerbread together. What a fun mommy you are!

Anonymous said...

Hey - I'm assuming you made these - do you sell them? hint hint

Ells said...

Great pot-cleaning tips, Sara! Thanks! I boiled vinegar and it got all but a tiny, stubborn strip of the burned-ness off. :) Yay! I have my favorite pot back!