
I'll be home for Christmas!

Okay peeps... tomorrow is travel day! We are braving the traveling crowds and taking a let-me-do-it-but-I-still-want-you-to-hold-me nine-month-old on a pair of flights cross country that should take about eight hours. Of course that's just from departure to landing. Really it's an hour+ to the airport where we are supposed to arrive hours early and then there will be collecting bagage and an hour's drive on the other end... so more like twelve hours worth of travel. Okay Mommies who have done it, any advice? At least say a prayer for us!

We are headed for the land of the dreaded Dial-Up Internet. That's right, my mom still has dial-up. So posts will be fewer and farther in between. Sorry. I know you will miss me and all. ;) We wish you a very Happy Hanukkah this weekend and a Merry Christmas next week, heck while we're at it, Happy New Year too! We'll be sure to post pictures soon.

Catch you on the flip side.


Anonymous said...

Lily's hair is soooo long - adorable!

Travel tips - I used a car seat when I traveled with Wes and it was a God send, but you'll have Jacob to help. You won't have to balance her on your lap while you try to pee in a tiny airplane bathroom worrying about all the germs:)

Take lots of food and juice if you can or buy it when you are at the airport. They ran out of juice and milk on one of our flights and forgot Wes's baby meal. has lots of age appropriate baby games you can play with them while traveling. Peek a boo, songs to sing, etc. Walking the aisles helped. Reading lots of books, a new toy that doesn't make noise.

For our drive to TX we bought Wes a baby Einstein "music maker' It plays 4 songs and he loved it and it is now one of Megan's favorite toys. You can put a piece of tape over the speaker in the back if you think it is too loud.

Good luck, it will go great and if not, you won't see those people again so don't worry about it:)

Take an extra outfit for Lily on the plane and if she ever gets carsick, etc. a shirt for you. Nothing worse than smelling like baby puke for hours on end:)

Have a great holiday!

Anonymous said...

Those pictures of Lily brought both Daddy and I to Tears! ;)
Kelly sure has great suggestions.
All I can offer are prayers ;)
We are so excited! Be sure to tell Lily that Gramma wants to hold her so she ought not to cry!
Grampa can hardly wait for Lily to come wake him up to play in our bed in the morning!
Remind me again what time your plane arrives!?!?!

Ells said...

we're flying the opposite way tomorrow! Hope you have a great vacation in CA, and that all of your travels are smooth and happy!

Beth said...

Ugh. My mom still has dial-up too. I'll pray for that. :)

I hope you have a FABULOUS time in CA, and a wonderful Christmas.

Oh, and my boys enjoyed watching the cartoon movies the flights offered, even though they couldn't hear them. Have fun!