

It has come to my attention that I am not very good at keeping up the blog and the facebook account simultaneously.  I think I need to try harder.

David had his two week well baby this afternoon.  Didn't he just get here? How is he two weeks old already?!  He has gained a whole pound and is just about the 80th percentile for height and weight.  Though his head is only at the 50th percentile... he takes after his dad there. ;)

Lily is quite taken with him and it is very clear he is her baby.  She helps me by getting diapers and always wants to give him his pacifier... which he isn't interested in in the slightest.  The only regressing I have noticed is that she shows interest in nursing again.  I take total blame for that... I was so engorged when my milk came in that I asked her if she would nurse.  I have no real problem nursing her again.  It's still good for both of us AND she learns to share with her brother.


Auntie Stevie said...

Oh, don't be so hard on yourself. I am enjoying your blog a lot... Thank You! When is it my turn to visit? I have a new nephew and beautiful niece ya know.

Linda said...

Woman, you need to teach me your photography tricks! Those are beautiful photos! Oh, and the kids are pretty darn amazing too. :)


Beth said...

Those are such sweet photos. But is it just me, or is Lily's hair getting lighter?