A friend of mine had a potty post the
other day and while my post doesn't directly have to do with poop, it does have a little something to do with pooping.
One of the most irritating things about the house we moved into, is the cheep-ness of the fixtures. (To include the dishwasher, but that's a whole other story.) The plastic toilet seats being one of the worst offenders.
Somehow I find myself sitting on the closed toilet A LOT; bathing babies, snapping pants, brushing teeth. And it is incredibly disheartening when the plastic lid pops in and flattens while I'm doing so. So what did we do? We replaced two of the three toilet seats in our house. (I never use the third bathroom for anything. Sorry guests.)
While at the home improvement store we discovered the toilet seat with the built in kiddo ring! Which we promptly installed in our downstairs bathroom, which Lily thinks is the coolest seat ever. And I dig because; a) we no longer have Lily crying because she's concerned she'll fall in because she, "doesn't have a big butt," and b) no more plastic potty ring floating around on the bathroom floor.
You toddler/little kid mom's know you're jealous. ;)