
Any Advice?

We are a pet-less family.

Not that we don't like pets.  I just go go go so much that I feel it would be really unfair to any animal that shared our house.

Having said that, its also really nice to not have another critter to pick up after. Doody duty/Poop patrol just does not seem fun to me.

So here's my problem. My neighbor's cat uses my backyard as her little box.

The same backyard I let my children play in.  And I will admit it, I am not always looking. (Sometimes sending them out is the only way to get dinner made.)

So here we are, not even enjoying the perks of having a pet and I still have to clean up after one.

What would you do?


Anonymous said...

Find out where the feline is entering at and come up with a solution. Or ask your brother he will probably know what to do.

Sara said...

It's a cat. It's coming in over the fence. >.<

Meagan said...

I think it is the old question of being right or happy. If you want to be right then talk to your neighbor because I am sure there is a neighborhood rule (or even law) against this. However it might add tension to your relationship with your neighbor so if you want to have a happy relationship with your neighbor you might need to just let it go. I use to have a neighbor with a dog that barked all night long. We felt "right" in saying something to them but in the end it really stressed our relationship and I wished I had learned to live with the barking dog.

Beth said...

I would talk to your neighbor. As a cat owner, I know there really isn't anything she can do, but if it were my cat, I'd want to know so I could at least TRY to stop him from hopping the fence into neighbor's yards.

And since you're a super cool lady, I'm sure you can do it with enough finesse that there shouldn't be much tension between you and your neighbor afterwards. Unless she's a pill, in which case, you might be better off. ;)

Gramma V said...

Cats have really sensitive noses and like to sniff out a good spot to do their business. So if you can think of something the cat won't like you could try to spray the yard. People use vinegar or ammonia spray in the area or some say chile powder over the area can help turn them away. Good Luck! It's a problem we have at the Center from time to time.

Anonymous said...

You should tell your neighbor and politely ask her to watch the cat and try to stop it from getting into your yard.