Jacob and I have taken up woodworking as a hobby and a way to spend time doing something (other than watching TV) together. Something we are both novices at so that one of us does not feel inferior to the other. Lets face it, I can knit circles around him and he "pwns" me in video games. (Did I use that word right? I think its a verb.)
So we built ourselves a bookshelf:
We started with a basic box. |
We even thought we were fancy enough to do dovetail joints. |
Dave liked to help out. |
At first we were only going to make two shelves, since I miscounted and didn't buy enough wood at the store. |
But we decided we didn't have enough tall stuff to put on the top space and hadn't planned the shelves to be re-positionable. Note, here we have added some molding to the top and bottom. |
And here it is, all stained and clear coated as we tacked on the back this morning. |
And now I get to go fill it all up!
Nice! Great compromise! I'd like to woodwork someday.
I wish I could woodwork. Maybe in a couple of years :)
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