

We made it! We got in at about midnight last night and are still trying to adjust our internal clocks. Poor Lily doesn't know if she is coming or going. I think she grazed all day long, not knowing if it was snack time or meal time or what.

The weather here is gorgeous! There was a nice light breeze all day long and the humidity is nothing like in North Carolina! I hear its supposed to get warmer for the next few days but I'm not complaining, since it at least gets cool enough over night to sleep with the windows open. :)

My sister came up from Yosemite for the night, for Father's Day and to see Lil. So we are enjoying her company. Hope to have some pictures tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you going to Yosemite? It was one of my favorite trips so far! Have fun in Cali - so jealous you're there. Happy Father's Day to Jacob:)