
June 30th

Where did the first half of the year go?!

Man, is it ever flying by!

Here marks my official halfway point to blog 365. In some ways it hasn't been as bad as I thought it could be. I think mostly because I just write a little blurb and maybe load a pic or two... I'm so lazy. But there are other days when I just have no idea what I am going to write about and it hangs over me until right before bedtime when I just have to hammer something out. (And then there was that night when I almost forgot to blog altogether and Jacob saved me!)

If you've been along for the ride so far, I thank you. Not every post is a darling picture of Lily and I appreciate you sticking with me.

Here's to the next half a year!

I hope I can think of something good to write....

1 comment:

Beth said...

Whoo! Half way through! You rock.

And, while the pictures of Lily ARE darling, I don't mind when they are absent from your posts...once in a while.

Love you!