

So I knew the sleeping all night thing was too good to be true. Lily went right back to her up twice in the night routine. BUT last night was rediculous! She went down at 7:30 (nothing new there) and woke to eat at 10:30 instead of 1:00... which I'm okay with, she flip flops. Then she woke at 12:30... I refused to feed her and made her go back to bed, not fun. Then she woke at 2:30, we nursed again and right back to the crib. And then she woke at 3:30... I gave up!, she came to bed with me and I have no real clue how much we nursed after that!

So today Lily seems to think she doesn't need a nap. Nothing... all morning long. Usually she takes four catnaps over the course of the day, two back to back in the morning, one after Jake leaves at lunch and another around 5:00pm. Well, by 1:30 I was going nuts, getting nothing done! So we went for a walk... ah, peace... she slept for an hour, so long as I was moving, lol, in the lovely Georgia humidity! And now? Now I have given in and put her in her swing b/c somebody has to cook dinner!

There, I vented, now off to the kitchen. :)


Beth said...

Ready for some "unasked-for parenting advice"? :) Maybe Lily is ready for a change in nap schedule. Maybe she's ready for a longer nap in the morning and a long nap in the afternoon? Maybe she's ready (although I doubt this) for just one long nap in the early afternoon and an earlier bedtime. But since I'm not there I don't really know.

You're welcome. :)

Sara said...

I'm okay with longer naps... no problem there. The problem is how do I get her to sleep longer?

Thank you. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Sara...
Every child is different, but an hour of outdoor fresh (be it hot and humid) air always tuckered my kids out. That made for a promising 2 hour nap at least. OH, and keeping them from sleeping, too.

Lily is approaching a change in schedule now it sounds like. These schedule changes happen just as you got used to the last!!

Smooch my neice for me!!!

Anonymous said...

Ahh - we are still going through this with Megan! She was sleeping fine through the night - 8pm - 6am between 2 and 4 months. Then she hit 4 months and was up every three hours. I can't remember that last time I got a good nights sleep. I've finally decided I'm too exhausted to continue nursing constantly and I'm hoping that formula will help but it hasn't so far. I called the doctor's office to see if I should start her on veggies and the nurse basically told me to do what I want. Helpful huh? Anyway, I hope things start to even out for you! She is just too cute:)

Beth said...

I would just put her in her bed at the times you want her to sleep for however long you want her to sleep for. It may take a few days for her to get used to it, but she should eventually start falling asleep at that time. Or she'll learn to entertain herself in her bed on her own. Either way, you can have that time to yourself. :)