
There isn't much sweeter...

...than a sleeping child.


Anonymous said...

So cute! And she sucks her fingers like Wes used to - makes me miss him at that age a bit. If only I could get Megan to find her fingers and we could throw out the pacifier. Maybe I'll just throw it out anyway and see how it goes.

Sara said...

oooo, Kelly, if you do throw it out let me know how it goes. I might have to try it too.

Anonymous said...

Oh how I wish i had a sleeping child right now....


PS~ Beth is all incommunicado and I don't have your phone number. :-(

Sara said...

Oh, Sorry Linda! Email me and I will give you my number. My email is seheadd at hotmail dot com or you can get it from facebook.
Hugs and Kisses for Sam! (and you too!)

Beth said...

My first thought when I saw this picture was, "Wow. She looks JUST like Sara." But I'm still not sure. I think she's such a good mix of the two of you.

And I think there is nothing wrong with still using a pacifier for nap time. Zeke still uses his. And by uses I mean holds onto it while he sucks his thumb. I think, in the long run, it's an easier habit to break.