Jacob took Lil and me out to dinner tonight. Spur of the moment kind of thing. But I just couldn't see our almost 8 month old being happy strapped into her infant seat while we ate, so... Lily got to sit in a restaurant high chair for the first time. (We don't eat out much.) She was quite pleased with herself.

She even got to share our food. A few black beans and some pieces of tortilla, yum!
She sure is pleased with herself - check out that face in the first picture. Lil, you are TOO darling. Deacon can't wait to meet you so he can flirt with you in person instead of via pictures on the computer. :)
It sure looks like you all were having a very relaxed, good time!
Lily looks so mature and sociable!
We miss you guys!
Thanks for the DVD, by the way.
I haven't got to watch it all cause Jim hadn't hooked up the DVD player til this weekend. But as soon as I get another chance . . .
Love, Gramma
What a cutie!!! She does look happy to be at the table - I love how she's hangin' onto both sides of it and just beaming!
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