
Bad News Part II

Lily woke up with chills and a bad fever at about 9:30 last night.  I could hear her whimpering in her room so I went and got her and I cuddled with my puddle of a child on the couch a bit until she threw up on us both. ew. :(

I called the advice nurse line (and then had to wait for someone to call me back) to find out exactly what point a fever should worry me.  I know a fever is the body's defense... it's attempt to kill the virus.  But I've never dealt with a fever and chills and vomiting in my sweet baby, so I had to ask somebody.  Well, the woman on the phone told me to give Lil a dose of ibuprofen and take her to the ER.  (Here's where I wish I had just listened to my instincts.)

About 10:30 we rolled in to the ER and they took Lil's temp rectally which really made her mad!  It was still 103... so they gave her a dose of acetaminophen too and sent us back to the waiting room to wait for the Dr.

Twenty minutes later I had my busy child back... up and down from my lap, around and under the chairs, eating, drinking, and chattering happily.

By the time we got called back to see the Dr I felt like I was wasting his time, and I told him so.  I explained that I had called the advice nurse line for - get this - advice, and had been sent to the ER when I really could have been told a to give Lily both ibuprofen and acetaminophen for the discomfort, plenty of fluids and use a warm-mist humidifier. (The last two I had already taken care of, to the Dr's delight.)

The Dr reassured me that a fever never hurt an otherwise healthy person.  He explained that a fever is worrisome when the rate of change is extreme which can cause febrile seizures. (Don't go plunging your kid into an ice bath.)  He checked her over and pronounced that she has an upper-respiratory infection (duh, I'd bet money its the same one I have) and some redness in each of her ears, but since she's never had an ear infection it probably won't develop into one.

Lily is still really congested today.  Sleeping has been difficult and doesn't come in very long stretches.  But she played more today than she did yesterday, so that's promising.  She was even dancing and kicking around a ball this evening.

Interestingly enough, the Dr was pleased to see a relatively intelligent adult during his shift, and said so.  And I was ultimately able to get the information I wanted, so our trip wasn't a total waste.

Though getting back home at two in the morning sure has me sore with the advice nurse line!


Julie Danielle said...

Ahhh, poor Lily :( Fevers are so hard. I never really know how scary is too scary. Glad you got some good info though :)

Beth said...

Poor you. I'm so sorry the help line wasn't more helpful. I called one once when I just could not stop throwing up one night and it took almost an hour of this woman asking me the same questions over and over before Josh finally decided to just take me to the ER.

Sigh. I'm glad you got some good information though and it wasn't a complete waste of time.

Linda said...

Poor Sara and Lily! We had a similar experience once where i'd finally gotten Sam to sleep only for the nurse help line to call back and tell me to wake him up and take him to the local children's hospital because he might have meningitis. By the time we got there, all his meds kicked in and it was VERY apparent that he didn't have meningitis. I was so mad, he was so miserable. Now I just follow my training and things have been much better since!

I hope you and Lil feel better soon!


Tiffany said...

Yes, febral seizures can happen. . . and unbeknownst to me, they are quite common.!? But I'm sure the doctor told you if it does ever happen, that it's just an indication of infection, being the main reason a fever would go from 99 to 104 in seconds or minutes.

FYI... Garrett had them the first 4 yrs of his life, I don't know if you remember. GOOD NEWS: He outgrew them, has no recollection of them, and is totally normal.

Soooooooooooooo, that being said, I hope you two get better soon. It really sux being sick, but it sux even more when your sick WITH sick child{ren}.

Take some Vitamin C, if you can . . . get some rest, if you can . . . kiss Lily for me, I know you can do that one. ;)

Love you guys.