

Last night, after cuddling a bit on the couch, I told Lily it was bedtime.  I set her on her feet and she scurried down the dark hallway and into her dark room.  So far no fear of the dark.  She walked right up to the big bed and said, "Help." (Well, it was more like "Hep" but you get the idea.)  She can't quite get herself up yet, it's still a little tall.

Who am I to argue?  So I put her in the bed and sat on the floor patting her back until she fell asleep.

Later, when I went to bed I opened both our bedroom doors in case she got down and freaked out, shut in her room. I also put a night light in the hallway, just so she wouldn't wake up disoriented and scared.

I woke at midnight, and since I am addicted to my iPhone I was looking at my aunt's FB status when I heard a rustle of sheets, a whimper and a muffled, "Stuck."  Lily was standing, leaning on the bed to rest her head, trying to sleep. :( So I scooped her up and tucked her back under the covers and went to bed.

It was a long night after that.  No fault of Lily's mind you.  She did fine and woke this morning at 6:25.  But I woke up every two hours and to every rustle of sheets or grunt in her sleep.  I didn't even bother to count the times I got up, just to look at her.

She's only 20 months!  She's not supposed to be this big.


Linda said...

Oh Lil! She looks so sweet! How does the time go so fast?

Anonymous said...

So cute though:) I said I was avoiding this like the plague, and then Brian took off the crib front the same night. Luckily she is doing well with it! Glad Lil is enjoying her new bed.