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It was a Different Time!
While ads in the 1920s warned women that they would be lonely if they were too heavy, many Depression-era ads chided women who were too thin. Advertisement from the August 1935 issue of Motion Picture courtesy of University of Southern California Cinematic Arts Library.
Finally Finished!
Jacob and I have taken up woodworking as a hobby and a way to spend time doing something (other than watching TV) together. Something we are both novices at so that one of us does not feel inferior to the other. Lets face it, I can knit circles around him and he "pwns" me in video games. (Did I use that word right? I think its a verb.)
So we built ourselves a bookshelf:
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We started with a basic box. |
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We even thought we were fancy enough to do dovetail joints. |
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Dave liked to help out. |
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At first we were only going to make two shelves, since I miscounted and didn't buy enough wood at the store. |
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But we decided we didn't have enough tall stuff to put on the top space and hadn't planned the shelves to be re-positionable. Note, here we have added some molding to the top and bottom. |
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And here it is, all stained and clear coated as we tacked on the back this morning. |
And now I get to go fill it all up!
Any Advice?
We are a pet-less family.
Not that we don't like pets. I just go go go so much that I feel it would be really unfair to any animal that shared our house.
Having said that, its also really nice to not have another critter to pick up after. Doody duty/Poop patrol just does not seem fun to me.
So here's my problem. My neighbor's cat uses my backyard as her little box.
The same backyard I let my children play in. And I will admit it, I am not always looking. (Sometimes sending them out is the only way to get dinner made.)
So here we are, not even enjoying the perks of having a pet and I still have to clean up after one.
What would you do?
Not that we don't like pets. I just go go go so much that I feel it would be really unfair to any animal that shared our house.
Having said that, its also really nice to not have another critter to pick up after. Doody duty/Poop patrol just does not seem fun to me.
So here's my problem. My neighbor's cat uses my backyard as her little box.
The same backyard I let my children play in. And I will admit it, I am not always looking. (Sometimes sending them out is the only way to get dinner made.)
So here we are, not even enjoying the perks of having a pet and I still have to clean up after one.
What would you do?
Cheese Please
So I prefer to not feed my kids prepackaged shredded cheese. Ever read what's in that stuff? Potato starch and cellulose powder for starters, and sometimes calcium sulfate, and natamycin (an anti-molding agent). All garbage my kids bodies don't need to be processing and/or storing away.
But I also HATE to shred cheese. So I've taken to cubing my cheese for our homemade pizzas. Seems to work out just fine. :)
And E, if you're reading, yes, my organic mozzarella is from Wisconsin, lol!
No Potties
So Lily was playing like she was cooking and I could see she needed to go to the bathroom. (What's with all the bathroom tales of late?) She's just dancing away, so I tried to send her, when she promptly told me, "There are no potties in the cooking store, Mom. Don't you know?"
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Never Fails
I step into the bathroom and there is David, two steps behind me, climbing the step stool to see into the sink. And he gets stuck.
Every. Time.
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Every. Time.
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Potty Post?
A friend of mine had a potty post the other day and while my post doesn't directly have to do with poop, it does have a little something to do with pooping.
One of the most irritating things about the house we moved into, is the cheep-ness of the fixtures. (To include the dishwasher, but that's a whole other story.) The plastic toilet seats being one of the worst offenders.
Somehow I find myself sitting on the closed toilet A LOT; bathing babies, snapping pants, brushing teeth. And it is incredibly disheartening when the plastic lid pops in and flattens while I'm doing so. So what did we do? We replaced two of the three toilet seats in our house. (I never use the third bathroom for anything. Sorry guests.)
While at the home improvement store we discovered the toilet seat with the built in kiddo ring! Which we promptly installed in our downstairs bathroom, which Lily thinks is the coolest seat ever. And I dig because; a) we no longer have Lily crying because she's concerned she'll fall in because she, "doesn't have a big butt," and b) no more plastic potty ring floating around on the bathroom floor.
You toddler/little kid mom's know you're jealous. ;)
One of the most irritating things about the house we moved into, is the cheep-ness of the fixtures. (To include the dishwasher, but that's a whole other story.) The plastic toilet seats being one of the worst offenders.
Somehow I find myself sitting on the closed toilet A LOT; bathing babies, snapping pants, brushing teeth. And it is incredibly disheartening when the plastic lid pops in and flattens while I'm doing so. So what did we do? We replaced two of the three toilet seats in our house. (I never use the third bathroom for anything. Sorry guests.)
While at the home improvement store we discovered the toilet seat with the built in kiddo ring! Which we promptly installed in our downstairs bathroom, which Lily thinks is the coolest seat ever. And I dig because; a) we no longer have Lily crying because she's concerned she'll fall in because she, "doesn't have a big butt," and b) no more plastic potty ring floating around on the bathroom floor.
You toddler/little kid mom's know you're jealous. ;)
It's Growing!
Lily is Mad
Kids say the funniest things:
Sometimes I'm instrated too. ;)
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Sometimes I'm instrated too. ;)
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Craft Overload!
So this fabulous poppy fabric arrived in the mail yesterday!!!
I'm so excited!
Now to just finish one of my many other projects, so I can get to this one. ;) (I mentioned yesterday that I hadn't had the energy to craft, which by no means should be interpreted as not having projects lined up!)

It's hard to see in this photo, but those are slightly different blues and I am trying to decide to go with the more vivid looking at the right, or the more subdued left.

What do you think?
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I'm so excited!
Now to just finish one of my many other projects, so I can get to this one. ;) (I mentioned yesterday that I hadn't had the energy to craft, which by no means should be interpreted as not having projects lined up!)

It's hard to see in this photo, but those are slightly different blues and I am trying to decide to go with the more vivid looking at the right, or the more subdued left.

What do you think?
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Back to Craft
I've been seriously missing my craft time lately. What with all the house organizing I'm too exhausted in the evenings to work on any of my projects.
But I haven't been able to find an area rug for the kitchen that I like/can afford so I've started a NEW project. I'm making a rag rug.
I spent four dollars at the thrift store on old sheets, tore them into strips and rolled them up.
Here's what I've got so far.

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But I haven't been able to find an area rug for the kitchen that I like/can afford so I've started a NEW project. I'm making a rag rug.
I spent four dollars at the thrift store on old sheets, tore them into strips and rolled them up.
Here's what I've got so far.

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Funny Face
Hey, someone's got to "mow" the lawn!
Yes that's our new reel mower. Since we have a postage stamp size lawn we are required to care for. And I just can't see loading the kids in the van. Going to self help. Unloading the kids. Loading a mower and the kids.... You get where I'm going with this, all to mow our 10x10 ft lawn. So we bought our own mower.
Put that girl to work!

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Yes that's our new reel mower. Since we have a postage stamp size lawn we are required to care for. And I just can't see loading the kids in the van. Going to self help. Unloading the kids. Loading a mower and the kids.... You get where I'm going with this, all to mow our 10x10 ft lawn. So we bought our own mower.
Put that girl to work!

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Assume the Position!
There's been a whole lot of TV watching in this house lately. It's been my crutch so I can get things unpacked. Only a small part of me really feels bad about it. After all, walking around the house from one room to the another moving things (and all the rest) drives David into fits of screaming.
Which I'd rather not hear.

Sometimes they manage to play nicely together. :)
Another Birthday
Happy Birthday to my sister Stevie! We convinced her to come have dinner with us tonight and she chose angel food cake with strawberries and cream for dessert.
David liked it:
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David liked it:
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My Latest Project
Baby Chickens
Papa took Lily to get a new clutch of chicks today. She'd never seen them before and was a little unsure.

We had her carry the box of them, but she started to protest that she was afraid she would shake them. Sweet girl. When we did finally get her to hold one her eyes lit up!
And now that they're home she's rather excited and wants to help feed and water them. :)

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We had her carry the box of them, but she started to protest that she was afraid she would shake them. Sweet girl. When we did finally get her to hold one her eyes lit up!
And now that they're home she's rather excited and wants to help feed and water them. :)

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Days Three and Four and Five - A Little Late
Day Three saw us starting out from about half way through Arkansas. I was a woman possessed by the need to get across the country! We set an alarm for 2:30am and were in the car and on the go by 3:00am. The kids slept nicely until 7:30!
We pushed through Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas and almost all of New Mexico by 8:00pm that evening.
Jake and Lily were a little annoyed with me. ;) So instead of making them do another day like Day Three, which would have gotten us to my parents on Friday, I called my Aunt and Uncle who live just a little over the halfway (of what was left) mark to see what they were doing Friday night.
Turns out they were home and happy to have us. AND helped us celebrate The Dave's birthday! Since they are the parents of David's Godmother, who I am pretty sure was happy to see him.
(Oh and Mia and Lily got to play too! Hi Mia!)
Okay so back to my story. Day Four was about nine hours in the car, the last few miles of New Mexico, all of Arizona (Wrong interstate, sorry Kate and the Cooks!) and into Cali!
Heeeellllloooooo Cali!
We had a little party for David and hit the sack.
Day Five we took our time getting started, with just another six hours to get us to good ol' Herald, CA.
And it's nice to not be in the car today!
We pushed through Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas and almost all of New Mexico by 8:00pm that evening.
Jake and Lily were a little annoyed with me. ;) So instead of making them do another day like Day Three, which would have gotten us to my parents on Friday, I called my Aunt and Uncle who live just a little over the halfway (of what was left) mark to see what they were doing Friday night.
Turns out they were home and happy to have us. AND helped us celebrate The Dave's birthday! Since they are the parents of David's Godmother, who I am pretty sure was happy to see him.
(Oh and Mia and Lily got to play too! Hi Mia!)
Okay so back to my story. Day Four was about nine hours in the car, the last few miles of New Mexico, all of Arizona (Wrong interstate, sorry Kate and the Cooks!) and into Cali!
Heeeellllloooooo Cali!
We had a little party for David and hit the sack.
Day Five we took our time getting started, with just another six hours to get us to good ol' Herald, CA.
And it's nice to not be in the car today!
Day Two
So we got as far as Knoxville, Tennessee yesterday where we spent the night at a friend's place.
We hit the road again this morning just after eight. Lots of stops for food and potty breaks and eleven hours later we were about 525miles along in Little Rock, Arkansas.
We've decided to stop to bathe the kids and sleep a bit. We'll see what tomorrow brings....
We hit the road again this morning just after eight. Lots of stops for food and potty breaks and eleven hours later we were about 525miles along in Little Rock, Arkansas.
We've decided to stop to bathe the kids and sleep a bit. We'll see what tomorrow brings....
Day One
Jacob finished his close out paperwork today, got his Officer Evaluation Report completed and signed out on leave.
Lily had her last day at preschool and a St Valentine's Day part too! There were a couple of tears as we picked her up, sweet girl.
Now we have been in the car seven hours. I took my turn first, and since driving in the dark is not my favorite, Jacob took over an hour ago.
So far the kids aren't screaming... but it is, after all, only day one. ;)
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Lily had her last day at preschool and a St Valentine's Day part too! There were a couple of tears as we picked her up, sweet girl.
Now we have been in the car seven hours. I took my turn first, and since driving in the dark is not my favorite, Jacob took over an hour ago.
So far the kids aren't screaming... but it is, after all, only day one. ;)
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Making Due
Empty House
Movers came an hour late today. But they came nonetheless.
Lily had a ROUGH day! I guess when you're almost three and all your stuff is in boxes being taken away it's traumatic.
She did manage to fall asleep in the hole under the stairs though.
While the movers brought all the boxes down them, if you can believe it!

Jake was gone most of the day, getting a jump in so he can stay on jump status.
And now we wait to get out of here. Living in a mostly empty house, sleeping on an air mattress, lol.
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Lily had a ROUGH day! I guess when you're almost three and all your stuff is in boxes being taken away it's traumatic.
She did manage to fall asleep in the hole under the stairs though.
While the movers brought all the boxes down them, if you can believe it!

Jake was gone most of the day, getting a jump in so he can stay on jump status.
And now we wait to get out of here. Living in a mostly empty house, sleeping on an air mattress, lol.
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Lily keeps rediscovering that all our stuff is in boxes today.
First she asked to watch TV. And hen saw it wasn't there.
Then she went looking for the full length mirror.
Most recently she tried out the utensil drawer. "Mama! Where's the forks!?"
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First she asked to watch TV. And hen saw it wasn't there.
Then she went looking for the full length mirror.
Most recently she tried out the utensil drawer. "Mama! Where's the forks!?"
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I tried to run a box of clothes to the Good Will before the packers come tomorrow. Checked hours on the website and everything. It said donations are accepted during their business hours. Open til 8:00 tonight, great. Got there at 5:02... two minutes after the sign said they shut the donation bay doors. Ugh.
Turned around to come home. Dave puked all over himself in the back seat. Got him home and bathed, and put him to bed. Now trying to keep Lily out of the way while I clean up the car seat and the car.
Glad I still have a washing machine one more night.
Tomorrow's the big day. And as far as I know, the Change of Command is still happening tomorrow morning. Lily's going to preschool. And poor sicky Dave will go with me to the ceremony, before we have to run our errands and pick Lily back up.
Yeah, you read that right. Now David's got it. Hoping with all the nursing he's been doing today that he'll get some antibodies from me or something. I assume I have whatever Lily had but it has presented far less severe for me, mostly just a cough and some congestion.
Now if I could just transfer over the FRG account to somebody... (anybody!) all will be hunky-dory!
Yeah, you read that right. Now David's got it. Hoping with all the nursing he's been doing today that he'll get some antibodies from me or something. I assume I have whatever Lily had but it has presented far less severe for me, mostly just a cough and some congestion.
Now if I could just transfer over the FRG account to somebody... (anybody!) all will be hunky-dory!
Dry Run
We're practicing packing the van today.
Don't snicker. That's just the kind of girl I am. I need to make sure it all fits.
I had to give away my potted hydrangea; it just wasn't going to fit. = ( But it went to a dear friend who I know will enjoy it, which makes it a bit better.
Other than that, I think all the stuff we want/need to drag with us is going to fit. Yay.
Have I mentioned how much I LOVE having a van?
And now.. to go watch the superbowl. No, I am not invested in either team... it just seems like the thing to do today.
Don't snicker. That's just the kind of girl I am. I need to make sure it all fits.
I had to give away my potted hydrangea; it just wasn't going to fit. = ( But it went to a dear friend who I know will enjoy it, which makes it a bit better.
Other than that, I think all the stuff we want/need to drag with us is going to fit. Yay.
Have I mentioned how much I LOVE having a van?
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Hey Mom, I think you forgot some stuff in here. Don't worry, I'll check for ya! |
And now.. to go watch the superbowl. No, I am not invested in either team... it just seems like the thing to do today.
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