We decided to name her "Liberty." To go with the Americana theme.
Getting Close
It's getting close to time for use to leave Ft Bragg. And I'm all for moving closer to family.
But tonight a bunch of families from our block had an impromptu block party at our playground, and it was so much fun to visit and watch my (not so little) kids play. And the beer and wine didn't hurt either.
I will miss this little neighborhood.
Party Dave
Party Dave was in major need of a haircut! But I was sooooo chicken.
I finally got up the nerve today, since it seems like so many of my friends cut their boys' hair all the time.
Here he was after nap time today... once again rocking the hawk.
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And again at the park. Blowing in the wind.
It's not perfect, but it did look quite nice after bath time tonight. It looks a million times better than it did!
Doll Distracted
As is usual for me and a new technique I get distracted and carried away.
Here's where I've been the past two evening when I should have been blogging:
Okay so that's not really a where, so much as a what I've been up to....
The other two are test runs for a doll to add to an Americana themed basket that the ladies of our battalion have been asked to put together as a donation to a raffle.
Why only one doll has a mouth so far, I couldn't quite say.
And yes, I AM terrified of becoming some creepy doll lady. Thank you for asking.
Flat Out
It's a Phone Day
Jacob has been using only his work phone since he returned from Afghanistan. But since he'll be giving that phone back with the Change of Command a few weeks away, it was time to get him a phone again. He was sweet enough to agree to take my iPhone 3GS as a hand me down and let me get a lovely new iPhone 4G!
So we spend an hour in the AT&T store this afternoon and now we both have iPhones.
I am super excited about the camera... and the video....
So we spend an hour in the AT&T store this afternoon and now we both have iPhones.
I am super excited about the camera... and the video....
Edit: Okay, so after watching those vids compressed and published they don't look so different. Rest assured the video clips I take for my children's future blackmail are far better quality now. And I hope you enjoyed watching my kids antics.
I'm sorry you have to listen to me sing in the beginning of this clip. But it's a sacrifice I am willing to make so you can hear Lily singing the theme song for VeggieTales. We'd done it a bunch of times while we were driving in the car, so yes, that clicking you hear is my directional; not a metronome.
Sorry it's so quiet, its an iPhone thing. Be assured I am the loudest so if you adjust your speakers for me you won't get your eardrums blown later in the clip.
Girl is so much fun.
Sorry it's so quiet, its an iPhone thing. Be assured I am the loudest so if you adjust your speakers for me you won't get your eardrums blown later in the clip.
Girl is so much fun.
Paper Dolls
Jacob says I'm not allowed to buy toys anymore. (Since, apparently I can make them.)
I was surfing the web the other day during naptime, and had this bright idea to make magnetic paper dolls out of magnetic printer sheets. I'm sure I must have read it on someone's blog somewhere so I won't take credit.

But they turned out pretty cute. =)

Now we just wait for David to try and eat them.
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I was surfing the web the other day during naptime, and had this bright idea to make magnetic paper dolls out of magnetic printer sheets. I'm sure I must have read it on someone's blog somewhere so I won't take credit.

But they turned out pretty cute. =)

Now we just wait for David to try and eat them.
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I don't know who she knows named Molly, but when I gave Lil her new doll and asked her what we should call her, Lily said her name is Molly.
I finished her during Lily's afternoon nap and surprised her when she got up, though she had been watching me make her for the past few days, asking at least a dozen times a day if this dolly was for her. Yes, Lily. Be patient, Lily.
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She has purple hair as per L's request. And button jointed hips, shoulders, knees and elbows. |
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You can see her double layered skirt in this pic. Lil got to pick fabric from my scraps pile, with a little guidance, of course! |
And I think she loves her.
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I still haven't mastered that turkey neck. Guess I better make another one. |
She told me, very solemn like, "Mama, she's bea-u-tiful."
David's such a little pig, he'll mooch off anybody. Including his big sister.
Good thing she was nice enough to share!
Good thing she was nice enough to share!
A Question For Lily
Her birthday is in "Manch" and she's going to be "twee!". I love it.
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Wild Hair
Sometimes I just want to see if I can....
That's what I told myself when I got this wild hair to make a baby doll.
And oh how Lily LOVES this little doll!
Why? I hear you asking. Couldn't I be using my time more wisely?
I just wanted to see if I could. ;)
That's what I told myself when I got this wild hair to make a baby doll.
And oh how Lily LOVES this little doll!
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She's constructed in what's called the Waldorf style. |
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With button joints that rotate. |
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And she has needle felted hair, |
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and embroidered features. I really need to figure out how to make that head attach better before I make another one. |
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Maybe I should restitch her with eyes open. |
I just wanted to see if I could. ;)
Real Food

I got a kick out of this... wish I could make it a decent size on the blog. You'll just have to go read it.
We try to eat our share of real food, but we're
All That Felt - Part II
It's almost done! But my hands got tired of trying to hole punch double layers of felt...
So today it's just a Happy Day!
And it really is a Happy Day since Jacob got to spend the day home with us while Ft Bragg is closed due to the snowy and icy weather.
So today it's just a Happy Day!
I'm lazy and didn't bother to take down Lily's art display before I put up the banner. |
They turned out bigger than I had planned/envisioned, but I've decided to just be okay with that. |
And it really is a Happy Day since Jacob got to spend the day home with us while Ft Bragg is closed due to the snowy and icy weather.
I put my pajama pants in with the wash yesterday morning.
Not very exciting, right?
Until about five minutes later when I realized the iPhone was in the pajama pants pocket!!!!!!!!
Front load washer, so not tooooooo wet yet. Luckily no soap yet either.
And the thing was on too. So I pulled it out and ran it through the motions.... The camera was full of water. The phone thought the head phone jack was permanently plugged in. But everything else seemed to work.
I left the phone (on, because I was too chicken to turn it off) in a bag full of rice all day yesterday, last night and today.
And now... it works FINE!
Not very exciting, right?
Until about five minutes later when I realized the iPhone was in the pajama pants pocket!!!!!!!!
Front load washer, so not tooooooo wet yet. Luckily no soap yet either.
And the thing was on too. So I pulled it out and ran it through the motions.... The camera was full of water. The phone thought the head phone jack was permanently plugged in. But everything else seemed to work.
I left the phone (on, because I was too chicken to turn it off) in a bag full of rice all day yesterday, last night and today.
And now... it works FINE!
All That Felt
The birthdays will be fast upon us. So, I'm making a (reusable) birthday banner!
Are my colors too masculine?
Unintended Project :)
Joann was having a sale on felt.
I thought I'd make something spring/Easter-ish with some robin's egg blue and as I was walking to get my bolt cut Lily chimed in that we needed some pink too. I turned around to see Lil carrying this bolt of felt larger than herself, following me to the cutting table.
So what was I to do? I bought her a yard of felt.
And then when we got home I made her a barrette.
What a kid.
He lets his sister crawl all over him, and if he's not giggling he certainly isn't screaming for help.
He now has four teeth and must think he is part beaver because he has started chewing on the crib rail, much to his mother's annoyance. I think he's trying to get back at me for leaving him in there when his naps aren't long enough to suit my taste.
He still naps twice a day which is nice.
David is a furniture cruiser, and cracks me up when he walks with one of the little chairs on the kitchen floor. He has ventured to stand on his own for a few seconds at a time, but usually grabs a hold of something to steady himself.
He has just started to lower himself to the ground with control instead of just plopping.
Yesterday he took a few steps while only holding one of my hands.
I mentioned his has four teeth and he puts them to other good use; besides eating my furniture, he had his first peanut butter and jelly sandwich today. And he is starting to hit that stage where he doesn't want you to feed him, he wants to do it himself. He shakes his head "no" at a proffered bite, but screams and cries if you go to put the food away.
And boy is he a screamer. All is well if he is in Mama's arms or if Mama is sitting still, but the moment I start to move around (doing chores, cooking) oh boy do I hear about it.
But his smile and squeal light up my heart.
And since I hear him waking from his nap.... I better go!
I Meant to Take Pictures
I really did.
I wanted to show you.
But I only have two hands.. and with my two kids, I guess two hands just aren't enough for a camera too.
I wanted to show you the "cowgirl" hat I crocheted for myself.
And I wanted to show you the play dough Lily and I made today... that smells like chocolate and tastes like salt. ;) You'd have loved that expression!
And I wanted to show you the baby food I made for The Dave. Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal with Golden Raisins. Even Lily ate some. (and that's saying a lot the way Lily eats these days)
I wanted to show you Lily in her apron. She's my little helper in the kitchen now. She runs in behind me, "I wanna help cook!" anytime I walk into the kitchen.
But I didn't take any pictures. = (
Spa Day
My husband gave me a gift certificate to a spa.
For our anniversay.
In July.
Of 2009.
But today I finally put it to good use, and boy is he lucky I didn't know what I was missing or he might be out a whole lot of money.
I was reluctant to use the day care at the spa and just couldn't see really relaxing while constantly waiting for someone to come get me that my child was screaming/hungry/misbehaving/whatever. But today Jacob had the day off and so I was able to leave the kiddos home with him and be pampered with mind at ease.
I had my first facial ever. Quite nice.
And a lovely glycolic peel pedicure. Can't remember the last time my feet felt so soft.
And the food, smoothie and wine were delicious!
If you've never done it, may I suggest you don't wait as long as I did?
And then to top it all off... I got to go running my errands by myself! And came home to Jake and Lily cooking dinner!
For our anniversay.
In July.
Of 2009.
But today I finally put it to good use, and boy is he lucky I didn't know what I was missing or he might be out a whole lot of money.
I was reluctant to use the day care at the spa and just couldn't see really relaxing while constantly waiting for someone to come get me that my child was screaming/hungry/misbehaving/whatever. But today Jacob had the day off and so I was able to leave the kiddos home with him and be pampered with mind at ease.
I had my first facial ever. Quite nice.
And a lovely glycolic peel pedicure. Can't remember the last time my feet felt so soft.
And the food, smoothie and wine were delicious!
If you've never done it, may I suggest you don't wait as long as I did?
And then to top it all off... I got to go running my errands by myself! And came home to Jake and Lily cooking dinner!
Home Now
Travel day yesterday. We're all home safe and sound now. If just a little sniffly.
Leaving was a little hard for me this time. I very much LOVE being with big family and had a fantastic New Year's Eve sewing, yes I said sewing, with my sister.
So I was a little "home sick" already and then I managed to leave my favorite receiving blanket on the first plane. Yes, David still seems to enjoy a good swaddling, so I carry home made receiving blankets when we travel. They are nice and large and can just about cover Lily in a pinch! We had a 35 minute layover in Phoenix and rushed off the (late arriving) plane, across the airport and onto the next flight before I realized it was gone. :(
Then David proceeded to have a tantrum/ meltdown the likes of which I have never seen for a good half hour. He went through bout after bout of sighing into complete relaxation, eyes closed, only to work himself back into screaming two seconds later. Poor tired child. I finally was able to walk him after they turned the seat belt sign off and he settled into a more playful mood. (Only to fall asleep on my shoulder twenty minutes before the plan was to land!)
But I had a little cry, not being able to make my child stop screaming whilst getting dirty looks from the 10 year old in front of me and the forty-something across the aisle. Morons.
After our second layover the kids were dolls on the third (and only twenty minute) flight and I will NEVER travel with two layovers again!!!!!!!!! The End.
Leaving was a little hard for me this time. I very much LOVE being with big family and had a fantastic New Year's Eve sewing, yes I said sewing, with my sister.
So I was a little "home sick" already and then I managed to leave my favorite receiving blanket on the first plane. Yes, David still seems to enjoy a good swaddling, so I carry home made receiving blankets when we travel. They are nice and large and can just about cover Lily in a pinch! We had a 35 minute layover in Phoenix and rushed off the (late arriving) plane, across the airport and onto the next flight before I realized it was gone. :(
Then David proceeded to have a tantrum/ meltdown the likes of which I have never seen for a good half hour. He went through bout after bout of sighing into complete relaxation, eyes closed, only to work himself back into screaming two seconds later. Poor tired child. I finally was able to walk him after they turned the seat belt sign off and he settled into a more playful mood. (Only to fall asleep on my shoulder twenty minutes before the plan was to land!)
But I had a little cry, not being able to make my child stop screaming whilst getting dirty looks from the 10 year old in front of me and the forty-something across the aisle. Morons.
After our second layover the kids were dolls on the third (and only twenty minute) flight and I will NEVER travel with two layovers again!!!!!!!!! The End.
Happy New Year!
My New Year's resolution this year is to wear more hats.
'Cause, gosh darn it, they look good on me. ;)
And now... Off to the airport. Fingers crossed all goes smooth. NC here we come.
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'Cause, gosh darn it, they look good on me. ;)
And now... Off to the airport. Fingers crossed all goes smooth. NC here we come.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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