

What a kid.

He lets his sister crawl all over him, and if he's not giggling he certainly isn't screaming for help.

He now has four teeth and must think he is part beaver because he has started chewing on the crib rail, much to his mother's annoyance.  I think he's trying to get back at me for leaving him in there when his naps aren't long enough to suit my taste.

He still naps twice a day which is nice.

David is a furniture cruiser, and cracks me up when he walks with one of the little chairs on the kitchen floor.  He has ventured to stand on his own for a few seconds at a time, but usually grabs a hold of something to steady himself.

He has just started to lower himself to the ground with control instead of just plopping.

Yesterday he took a few steps while only holding one of my hands.

I mentioned his has four teeth and he puts them to other good use; besides eating my furniture, he had his first peanut butter and jelly sandwich today.  And he is starting to hit that stage where he doesn't want you to feed him, he wants to do it himself.  He shakes his head "no" at a proffered bite, but screams and cries if you go to put the food away.

And boy is he a screamer.  All is well if he is in Mama's arms or if Mama is sitting still, but the moment I start to move around (doing chores, cooking) oh boy do I hear about it.

But his smile and squeal light up my heart.
And since I hear him waking from his nap.... I better go!

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