
Doll Distracted

As is usual for me and a new technique I get distracted and carried away.

Here's where I've been the past two evening when I should have been blogging:

Okay so that's not really a where, so much as a what I've been up to....

The doll far left, with the hair in progress, is for David.  Since he is always getting Molly and upsetting Lily I decided he needed his own baby.

The other two are test runs for a doll to add to an Americana themed basket that the ladies of our battalion have been asked to put together as a donation to a raffle.

Why only one doll has a mouth so far, I couldn't quite say.

And yes, I AM terrified of becoming some creepy doll lady.  Thank you for asking.


Ells said...

Bourbon Street Basket Bash? Americana theme? I love it! So excited about all the creative basket ideas that are cropping up!!!

Your dolls are awesome. I know you saw the ones my mom made me when i was a kid - still treasures.

Gramma V said...

Your dolls are beautiful! Remember The Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls I made you when you were little? I made Stevie a "Cabbage Patch" knock off, too! They're all still around somewhere.

Beth said...

What's creepier then a creepy doll lady? I creepy doll lady who DOESN'T put faces on her dolls. Ever.