
Home Now

Travel day yesterday.  We're all home safe and sound now.  If just a little sniffly.

Leaving was a little hard for me this time.  I very much LOVE being with big family and had a fantastic New Year's Eve sewing, yes I said sewing, with my sister.

So I was a little "home sick" already and then I managed to leave my favorite receiving blanket on the first plane.  Yes, David still seems to enjoy a good swaddling, so I carry home made receiving blankets when we travel.  They are nice and large and can just about cover Lily in a pinch!  We had a 35 minute layover in Phoenix and rushed off the (late arriving) plane, across the airport and onto the next flight before I realized it was gone. :(

Then David proceeded to have a tantrum/ meltdown the likes of which I have never seen for a good half hour.  He went through bout after bout of sighing into complete relaxation, eyes closed, only to work himself back into screaming two seconds later.  Poor tired child.  I finally was able to walk him after they turned the seat belt sign off and he settled into a more playful mood.  (Only to fall asleep on my shoulder twenty minutes before the plan was to land!)

But I had a little cry, not being able to make my child stop screaming whilst getting dirty looks from the 10 year old in front of me and the forty-something across the aisle.  Morons.

After our second layover the kids were dolls on the third (and only twenty minute) flight and I will NEVER travel with two layovers again!!!!!!!!!  The End.

1 comment:

Ells said...

such a hard trip!