... about having to take the long glucose test.
Turns out the lab is not open on Sat. :( But I arranged to leave Lele with a friend and Jackson will stay with his mommy during the morning on Monday so I can go and get this thing out of the way.
What I want to know is this, why do the take a whole vial of blood to test your blood sugar? They have those handy little meters that diabetics use, right? In fact, the first time I had to do the three hour test was in Germany. And it actually started out with a fasting one hour test (almost a regular GTT) that just carried over into a longer test when my numbers were too high on a glucose meter!
Yeah, somebody is going to tell me the lab can't give you any results b/c they aren't doctors and you have to see your doctor for interpretation and consultation. But seriously? How hard is it to read a glucose curve?
If you've got a better answer, please let me know.
Thank you for letting me complain. I'd blame my hormones, but I think I'm just cranky.
Baby Update
Had a doctor's appointment today. Baby's good. :) Got to hear the heartbeat. 175 beats a minute!
I talked the NP into doing some lab work to establish a baseline to compare to later, so we can watch for that lovely HELLP syndrome again. She suggested while I was at it, that I go ahead and do a Glucose Tolerance Test.
I failed it.
Now I have to find a morning to go do the fasting, three hour Glucose Challenge. :( Boo-hoo-hoo.
Not that I'm surprised. This is the same thing that happened with my last pregnancy. (Twice, b/c the OB in Cali wouldn't take my German results from the first round of tests!)
I'll keep you posted. I'm hoping the laboratory at the hospital is open on Saturdays. Not that I want to give up my Saturday morning, but at least I wouldn't have to take (and entertain) two little ones!
I talked the NP into doing some lab work to establish a baseline to compare to later, so we can watch for that lovely HELLP syndrome again. She suggested while I was at it, that I go ahead and do a Glucose Tolerance Test.
I failed it.
Now I have to find a morning to go do the fasting, three hour Glucose Challenge. :( Boo-hoo-hoo.
Not that I'm surprised. This is the same thing that happened with my last pregnancy. (Twice, b/c the OB in Cali wouldn't take my German results from the first round of tests!)
I'll keep you posted. I'm hoping the laboratory at the hospital is open on Saturdays. Not that I want to give up my Saturday morning, but at least I wouldn't have to take (and entertain) two little ones!
Two Kids

Having Jackson is wonderful. Lil is getting lots of big sister practice, and he is just a doll. He's not hard work, but two kids do keep my hands busy.
I only noticed because I am seriously slacking in the crafty department.
Or maybe its all the books I've been reading lately....
Whatever the reason, I'm determined to create something in the next week!
To that end, JoAnn's is having a sale on Simplicity patterns Thurs-Sat. Just $1.99 each! Can you guess where I'm going tomorrow?
Wild Things

Last Sunday, while we were waiting (through 20 minutes of previews) for our movie to start, I did get to see the trailer for Where the Wild Things Are.
Did you know they were making a movie out of the classic Mauric Sendak book?
I think I'm excited. :)
You don't have to go see HP to watch the trailer though... you can see it here.
Did you know they were making a movie out of the classic Mauric Sendak book?
I think I'm excited. :)
You don't have to go see HP to watch the trailer though... you can see it here.
Power Outage
I was sweating just a few minutes ago. The power was out for the last few hours and I was afraid I wasn't going to get to post today, thus destroying my effort at blog 365!
I even resorted to trying to post on Jacob's blackberry, with no luck.
I was desperate. So I was on the phone trying to get a hold of my mom, so that I could talk her into guest posting for me, when the power suddenly came back on!
Woo-whoo! Saved!
I was sweating just a few minutes ago. The power was out for the last few hours and I was afraid I wasn't going to get to post today, thus destroying my effort at blog 365!
I even resorted to trying to post on Jacob's blackberry, with no luck.
I was desperate. So I was on the phone trying to get a hold of my mom, so that I could talk her into guest posting for me, when the power suddenly came back on!
Woo-whoo! Saved!
Harry Potter
My friend Amy called me early this afternoon. She was bored, her afternoon plans had fallen through. She asked if I wanted her to watch Lily so Jake and I could do something.
Jacob and I got to go see the lastest Harry Potter movie this afternoon. I liked it. :) I won't say anything... you know, in case you've never read them and just might get around to it someday. But I will say I really enjoyed myself.
What a neat and unxpected treat my friend gave me. Thanks Amy!
Now I'm off to go re-read the last two books in the HP series... again.
Jacob and I got to go see the lastest Harry Potter movie this afternoon. I liked it. :) I won't say anything... you know, in case you've never read them and just might get around to it someday. But I will say I really enjoyed myself.
What a neat and unxpected treat my friend gave me. Thanks Amy!
Now I'm off to go re-read the last two books in the HP series... again.
Out to Eat
We went out to dinner tonight, to a little place called Sherefe's. Supper yummy Mediterranean food!
We went a little before the normal dinner rush cause I had a feeling Lil was going to be a whole lot of fun. She is so loud! She wasn't being obnoxious or screaming or anything but when she gets excited she gets squeally. (I don't think that's a real word, but whatever.) I can't tell you how many times I had to remind her to use an inside voice. *sigh*
Good news is, they didn't ask us to leave. :) And I got to eat some wonderful food... with a bit left over for tomorrows lunch. Yippee!
We went a little before the normal dinner rush cause I had a feeling Lil was going to be a whole lot of fun. She is so loud! She wasn't being obnoxious or screaming or anything but when she gets excited she gets squeally. (I don't think that's a real word, but whatever.) I can't tell you how many times I had to remind her to use an inside voice. *sigh*
Good news is, they didn't ask us to leave. :) And I got to eat some wonderful food... with a bit left over for tomorrows lunch. Yippee!
Still Reading
Still reading... only 70 more pages to go, get the feeling I'm staying up late tonight to finish. :)
Jake is at a beer call.
Lil is tucked into bed.
And I have a book calling my name. :) The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane
Other books I want to read:
-The other two twilight novels - BTW I read Stephanie Meyer's other book, The Host, very interesting!
-The Time Travelers Wife - Aunt Helen was it you who recommended that one?
-Got any other suggestions?
Lil is tucked into bed.
And I have a book calling my name. :) The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane
Other books I want to read:
-The other two twilight novels - BTW I read Stephanie Meyer's other book, The Host, very interesting!
-The Time Travelers Wife - Aunt Helen was it you who recommended that one?
-Got any other suggestions?
Is it, or Isn't it?
Do You Know?
For about a month now, once or twice a week, Lil wakes up in the middle of the night with panicked screaming. I can pick her up and console her, tell her I love her and put her right back to bed with no fuss.
Are these night-terrors?
From what I've read, night-terrors shouldn't onset until eighteen months (Lil is sixteen) and are generally cause by lack of sleep (Which is certainly not our case, Lele still naps twice a day nicely.) or stress. Though I'm not sure what would be stressing her. Oh and they generally occur every night.
Do you know any kiddos who've done this? Is there anything else I can do for her?
Are these night-terrors?
From what I've read, night-terrors shouldn't onset until eighteen months (Lil is sixteen) and are generally cause by lack of sleep (Which is certainly not our case, Lele still naps twice a day nicely.) or stress. Though I'm not sure what would be stressing her. Oh and they generally occur every night.
Do you know any kiddos who've done this? Is there anything else I can do for her?
When I finished feeding Jackson his bottle this afternoon, I set it down on the coffee table and took him to change his diaper. When I came back into the room to take the bottle to the kitchen it was gone. I turned around to find Lele trying to feed the bottle to her baby doll.
Sometimes that little girl is so cute!
And other times she just screams at me. :(
I keep telling her I can't understand her while she is yelling/crying/screaming at me. I tell her I need her to use her words to tell me what she wants. But sometimes I feel like I am talking to a rock.
Today I pray for patience.
Sometimes that little girl is so cute!
And other times she just screams at me. :(
I keep telling her I can't understand her while she is yelling/crying/screaming at me. I tell her I need her to use her words to tell me what she wants. But sometimes I feel like I am talking to a rock.
Today I pray for patience.
Just Got Back

They were nice enough to provide childcare one evening (besides just during the class sessions) so that all the couples could have a date night. Jacob and I walked historic Williamsburg and went out for ice cream. We're so dorky. :)
Feeling Green
This pregnancy is moving right along. Coming up on eight weeks tomorrow.
So far I feel pretty good, though I have to say I am a little greener around the gils than I was with Lily. With Lil I had very little to complain about besides being soooo tired, which I find that I am once again. I did get some morning sickness around week 12... just when I thought I was in the clear! But it only lasted about two weeks. This time, I wake up feeling a little under the weather and have to get some fat in my stomach first thing... thank goodness for bread and butter! And it doesn't usually last more than an hour.
Other than that, I count my blessings. From what I hear it could be SO much worse....
So far I feel pretty good, though I have to say I am a little greener around the gils than I was with Lily. With Lil I had very little to complain about besides being soooo tired, which I find that I am once again. I did get some morning sickness around week 12... just when I thought I was in the clear! But it only lasted about two weeks. This time, I wake up feeling a little under the weather and have to get some fat in my stomach first thing... thank goodness for bread and butter! And it doesn't usually last more than an hour.
Other than that, I count my blessings. From what I hear it could be SO much worse....
Big Helper
Oh and just for the record, we loves Sesame Street too, we really do. And Sid and George too! I just felt a smidgen of guilt as my child exposed Jackson to (what I'm sure is his first of many) technological vices.
Day One
What a busy day! I only had a vague notion of Jackson's daily schedule so we played it by ear and stayed home today. Not too shabby, he took a nice long nap - 2 1/2 hrs - this afternoon. Once I figure out how to merge his schedule with Lil's we should be in business. :)
Mixed Feelings
We were blessed to have an awesome "block leave"/vacation. It was too fast, but it was a lot of fun.
And while we were gone a friend of mine watered our garden and our planter beds for me, which was so generous of her. They are doing quite well.
But it seems like the two weeks we were gone was all it took for the grass to dry up to a sad brown; not just in our yard but in the whole neighborhood. :(
We've been told we are out of "drought rationing" and can water our lawns here at Bragg, but moving a sprinkler several times a day seems like a lot of effort, especially when I don't even get outside until 10:00 am - the cutoff time for watering in the morning. I don't even know if the "grass" (really just an assortment of green weeds) will come back....
And while we were gone a friend of mine watered our garden and our planter beds for me, which was so generous of her. They are doing quite well.
But it seems like the two weeks we were gone was all it took for the grass to dry up to a sad brown; not just in our yard but in the whole neighborhood. :(
We've been told we are out of "drought rationing" and can water our lawns here at Bragg, but moving a sprinkler several times a day seems like a lot of effort, especially when I don't even get outside until 10:00 am - the cutoff time for watering in the morning. I don't even know if the "grass" (really just an assortment of green weeds) will come back....
Around the Corner
We had dinner with the Campbells tonight. Mmmmm, Papa John's Chicken Club pizza is so yummy!
And Jackson is coming to our house on Monday!
In preparation I just moved Lil's carseat to the other side of the car and reinstalled the base for the infant seat. Conveniently enough, Jackson is using the same Chicco Keyfit model Lily used so my base can just ride around in my car at the ready. And tomorrow I really need to go through Lil's closet, to pack up the clothes that don't fit her and to get out the infant swing.
Totally unrelated: If you were at Rancho Cabesa for the 4th of July, did you happen to forget a pair of sunglasses?
And Jackson is coming to our house on Monday!
In preparation I just moved Lil's carseat to the other side of the car and reinstalled the base for the infant seat. Conveniently enough, Jackson is using the same Chicco Keyfit model Lily used so my base can just ride around in my car at the ready. And tomorrow I really need to go through Lil's closet, to pack up the clothes that don't fit her and to get out the infant swing.
Totally unrelated: If you were at Rancho Cabesa for the 4th of July, did you happen to forget a pair of sunglasses?
Friends are Fun
Michaela came over today! Yay!
It was last minute. Renee had her other sitter fall through and asked me if I could keep Micheala for a little while this afternoon. I, of course, said yes.
L and M chased each other around the circle from the kitchen to the living room to the dinning room, played with stacking cups and traded juice cups several time. Silly girls.
We had dinner; chicken and black beans and rice. Both girls ate like champs.
Then both Daddies magically appeared at two different doors at the exact same time. Lil went straight to Jacob and Micheala and Lou went home. ...and I got a break. :)
It was a very nice visit.
It was last minute. Renee had her other sitter fall through and asked me if I could keep Micheala for a little while this afternoon. I, of course, said yes.
L and M chased each other around the circle from the kitchen to the living room to the dinning room, played with stacking cups and traded juice cups several time. Silly girls.
We had dinner; chicken and black beans and rice. Both girls ate like champs.
Then both Daddies magically appeared at two different doors at the exact same time. Lil went straight to Jacob and Micheala and Lou went home. ...and I got a break. :)
It was a very nice visit.
Lily's Announcement
Yes, that's right... I'm pregnant. And I've known (for sure) for three whole weeks and didn't tell you! Can you believe it? I actually kept a secret!
But since I got to see all my family in person over the weekend and made my announcement to them, I can tell you now and not be afraid of spoiling it if they read the blog.
I had my first OB intake appointment this morning. You know, the one where you get to do the health and genetic histories and all the lovely blood tests. Yuck! And I tentatively have an appt with an NP on July 30th. I say tentative because I haven't decided if we want to leave for a marriage retreat that day.
Anyway... This baby is due in late February, just right so that Lil and I can fly home and back at Christmas, lol. We're so excited! And I'm so glad to finally be sharing it with you. :)
My Fave 4th Photo
My Name in Lights
4th of July
And I don't mean by numbers.
Lil was gracious enough to do some art work to go in the spare bedroom at my parents' house, since it was a little bare walled.
While she managed to keep most of the paint on the canvas, she did get some on herself, and her shoes, and her mom, and the grass, and the fence... you get my meaning. But it sure was fun!
And then... you guessed it... she had a bath outside in the wading pool. ;)
Lil was gracious enough to do some art work to go in the spare bedroom at my parents' house, since it was a little bare walled.
I know, I know, Crayola is great about washable finger paints, but we still stripped her down to help with the clean up.
And then... you guessed it... she had a bath outside in the wading pool. ;)
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