

Jake is at a beer call.

Lil is tucked into bed.

And I have a book calling my name. :) The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane

Other books I want to read:
-The other two twilight novels - BTW I read Stephanie Meyer's other book, The Host, very interesting!
-The Time Travelers Wife - Aunt Helen was it you who recommended that one?
-Got any other suggestions?


Anonymous said...

I want to read the Time Travelers Wife too. Right now I'm reading Infidel - about a Somali woman who speaks out about being Muslim, etc. Fascinating!

Anonymous said...

Read Time Traveler's Wife with a box of tissues. I loved it.
-Aunt Helen

Beth said...

I don't have much desire for The Time Travelers Wife. I have, however, been reading Jane Austen's works, and I highly recommend them. I'm reading them in order, so to speak, so I have finished "Sense & Sensibility" and "Pride & Prejudice". Now I'm on Mansfeld Park. She's very witty.

Plus, I make Josh watch the movie versions afterwards so I can tell him parts were exactly like the book, and which parts weren't in the book at all. And he gets to make fun of the hats they wear. It's really a WIN(me)-win(Josh) situation.

And I thought you read all the Twilight books? I'mwaiting on the library to get the last one in so I can finish the series too.

Tiffany said...

hey sister!

We've been outta touch. How are things going? ARe you over the nausea now? I can't be sure, but I beleive you're 10 weeks? Maybe 11? Am I close?

Things are fine here... even the weather has been cooperating. I guess we are supposed to see 100's this weekend. Not really looking forward to that, but at least it's not a continual thing.

Kiss the Fam for me. Take care of the Mama too. Hey... does Lily now say that magical word, MAMA? I couldn't wait to hear that word. NOW... well, it's no secret, I'd like to change my name during those loudly pitched arguments I have to referee. OR those times that NO isn't taken for an answer. hehe.

All in all.... it's a lovely word. I hope it's bringing music to your ears. ;)

Love you, Girl.
Kiss kiss...