
Do You Know?

For about a month now, once or twice a week, Lil wakes up in the middle of the night with panicked screaming. I can pick her up and console her, tell her I love her and put her right back to bed with no fuss.

Are these night-terrors?

From what I've read, night-terrors shouldn't onset until eighteen months (Lil is sixteen) and are generally cause by lack of sleep (Which is certainly not our case, Lele still naps twice a day nicely.) or stress. Though I'm not sure what would be stressing her. Oh and they generally occur every night.

Do you know any kiddos who've done this? Is there anything else I can do for her?

1 comment:

Beth said...

Both of our boys have done this. Does she actually calm down when you pick her up? Because if so, they might not be night terrors, just nightmares. When they have terrors, as we have learned, no amount of cuddling helps. The only way we've been able to end the crying/screaming is by actually turning on the lights and waking them up, confusing them to no end. APPARENTLY, that's BAD. You're supposed to just let them go through it and it'll end quick enough. If it truly is a night terror. And I think the 18 month thing is just an average. Both of our boys were closer to two.