
Baby Update

Had a doctor's appointment today. Baby's good. :) Got to hear the heartbeat. 175 beats a minute!

I talked the NP into doing some lab work to establish a baseline to compare to later, so we can watch for that lovely HELLP syndrome again. She suggested while I was at it, that I go ahead and do a Glucose Tolerance Test.

I failed it.

Now I have to find a morning to go do the fasting, three hour Glucose Challenge. :( Boo-hoo-hoo.

Not that I'm surprised. This is the same thing that happened with my last pregnancy. (Twice, b/c the OB in Cali wouldn't take my German results from the first round of tests!)

I'll keep you posted. I'm hoping the laboratory at the hospital is open on Saturdays. Not that I want to give up my Saturday morning, but at least I wouldn't have to take (and entertain) two little ones!


Anonymous said...

I hope you pass your next round of glucose tests but if not, as a veggie I managed fine:) I'm assuming you're going to find out girl or boy again? Any feelings one way or another?

Beth said...

Ugh. The Glucose Challenge. HATED that. Luckily, I only had to do it with Zeke. And only at the clinic on base's request. My German doctor said he didn't see anything wrong to start with. Grr...