
So Tired

Had an FRG meeting tonight. Dug out our artificial Christmas tree and some ornaments, dragged it all up the the Battalion and set it up so we could record video holiday greetings to send to the guys. I think we had eleven wives show up. That's about a third of those living locally. :(

Lily has hit a new "phase." She had a phase, at about five and six months old, where she hated to be put down and wanted to be with me where ever I was, don't I dare walk away from her. Well, the don't-leave-me is back, only this time she's mobile and can follow me around and hang on my legs whining and bawling her eyes out.

I feel like I am getting nothing done.

One might think this means I'm busy getting it all done when she is in bed in the evenings, but I am just so tired all I want to do is veg on the couch.

My house is a mess.


Beth said...

My house is a mess too. In fact, the neighbor boy came over yesterday because he was locked out of his house, and the first thing he said upon entering was, "Wow, it's kind of a mess in here."

Anonymous said...

Well, my house is the "usual" mess. Your story would remind my mom of a story she never tires of telling.... where I was going thru the same "clingy" stage and wouldn't let her out of my sight... she would go to the bathroom, i'm sure partly to be able to close the door and have only a moment of quiet to herself, and I would be on my back, at the foot of the door, casually kicking it, crying, and waiting to see my mom's face once again.

WHAT A BRAT I was?! hehe. JK.

LOVE that Lily for me.... and forget about the house. A pregnant mom w/ toddler can only do so much. LET IT GO.... it's a tough lesson to learn... took me awhile.... but when you do.... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the relief. ;)

Love you Sara! Hugs xoxo

Linda said...

Sam is at that stage too and let me tell you, 30 pounds of toddler in my arms and hanging off my legs is no joke, as I'm sure you know. I'm living on Aleve these days.

My house is messy too. I don't even want to talk to you about my toilets. Just rest assured that you're in good company!
