
Mi Familia

The Christmas morning bunch!  We love our tamales.  And some of us think wrapping paper fights are fun.  {Not me!}  Though we reconcile after to take a family photo every year.

I love these guys!!!

(Okay, for those of you who don't know, a typical Christmas morning for the Whites consists of waking up at my Godmother's house where we do Santa presents with their three kiddos.  Then everyone gets dressed and heads over to my Gramma Peter's house for a fabulous breakfast of tamales that the adult-women spent the previous day slaving over. This is immediately followed by the adult's present exchange, during which the paper fight usually ensues.  Then the kids get in on the present opening action, usually precipitating an all out paper war for those not lucky/smart enough to run away outside. On Christmases when the weather is nice... like the 65 degrees we had this year, for example... we take our big family picture and then smaller family pictures outside.  And then it's back in to make sure we cleaned up and to watch a slide show of photos from the previous year's family get-togethers. Sadly, the Whites aren't in too many of those.  All in all a very satisfying morning with mi familia.)


Anonymous said...

wait a minute - i'm pretty sure miss lily was in at least a third of the slide show pictures this year :-) love you too
Aunt Nen

Gramma Vera said...

Jacob, I see space there next to Stevie or Aunt Linda for you! Miss you!

Linda said...

What a good-lookin' bunch! If I'm ever in Cali, I'm definitely stopping by!