My sewing machine arrived yesterday, so I can't stay long... it beckons to me. :)
I just wanted to sum up the Baby David Pool, as it currently stands. And of course, offer the opportunity to chime in to anyone else who feels game.
Gramma V only offered other birthdays to aim for.
Kaitlin (very generically) says "early"
February 23rd - from way up north in AK, Beth
February 27th - from cousin Lisa
February 28th - Aunt Linda and Gramma Dianna's birthdays
March 1st - from my friend Kelly
March 2nd - Jacob's guess and cousin Rebecca's birthday
March 7th - Great Gramma Peter's birthday
March 8th - My guess, w/o rhyme or reason
March 12th - Lily's Birthday
Jacob expects to be home March 1st-ish for his R&R. And my friend Amy is supposed to be my birth coach if Jacob is not here, but she is headed to Costa Rica with her hubby on his R&R on February 24th. Which leaves me about six days when I am coach-less, and if you subscribe to Murphy's Law....
What's in a Date?
According to the Nurse Practitioner I've been seeing I'm due February 28th. Just one month from today!!
Now when I do the math, I get my due date on the 26th. And since only 5% of babies come on their due dates... that pretty much rules both those dates out. :)
I'm convinced if we hadn't induced Lil a week early she would have hung out quite a while longer. (One study I read said that the average unaugmented gestation is 41 weeks 1day.) And I was born two weeks late. So I'm guessing this baby won't be here until March. My friend Amy swears I am going to deliver early.
Let's start a pool! Any guesses/premonitions or just plain hopeful wishes out there?
Now when I do the math, I get my due date on the 26th. And since only 5% of babies come on their due dates... that pretty much rules both those dates out. :)
I'm convinced if we hadn't induced Lil a week early she would have hung out quite a while longer. (One study I read said that the average unaugmented gestation is 41 weeks 1day.) And I was born two weeks late. So I'm guessing this baby won't be here until March. My friend Amy swears I am going to deliver early.
Let's start a pool! Any guesses/premonitions or just plain hopeful wishes out there?
Funny Girl
It's pretty funny to see a toddler reading a magazine/catalog:
Then again, it's pretty funny to watch her pretend to take your picture too.
Especially when she insists on using your tripod:
Oh, how I love my girl!
Odds are, you have already seen these on facebook, but just in case you haven't...
I decided to do a couple of maternity photos.
And I'm mean enough to torture you with them, lol.
I decided to do a couple of maternity photos.
And I'm mean enough to torture you with them, lol.
While We're Waiting...
...for the new sewing machine, we might as well add some other things to wait for too. Specifically my new china cabinet that I ordered from potterybarn today!
PS - Jacob says shopping is like crack for me. :p
Waiting on My New Baby
No, I'm not talking about Baby David.
I'm talking about my new sewing machine!
After much internal debate (and Internet researching) I have decided to go with a computerized sewing machine... leagues above what my old mechanical machine can do. The Brother 420 Project Runway Special Edition has 294 stitches including three alphabets for monogramming and ten different styles of button holes. This thing even threads itself! And I couldn't find a bad review for it anywhere. (If you find one, please don't tell me.)
I was really torn because I'd love to someday have an embroidery machine. However, today is just not that day. So I ordered it online yesterday and now I wait... should be here sometime between next Tuesday and Thursday. :D
It's really too bad nobody loves this child.
Lil's First Snow
Well, not exactly first. But the first she's ever gotten to play with.
Sad, isn't it? ;)
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Sad, isn't it? ;)
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Jacob got word, he was not selected to teach at West Point. :(
I'm bummed for him, I think he really wanted it.
There were over 250 candidates for 14 positions and the odds we just not in our favor. I have faith though... we are going to be wherever it is we are supposed to be. :)
I'm bummed for him, I think he really wanted it.
There were over 250 candidates for 14 positions and the odds we just not in our favor. I have faith though... we are going to be wherever it is we are supposed to be. :)
Bad Mama
I've had a bed rail for Lily's bed since last Saturday.
And when I initially bought it I had every intention of putting it on her bed right away. But that night she slept in her bed just fine and so I put it off. Part of me was thinking that she just might get used to the new boundaries of her bed without any issues and maybe she wouldn't need a bed rail.
Well last night Lil fell out of bed, poor baby. I heard her cry out and when I got to her room she was whimpering in child's pose on the floor, not even attempting to get back in bed... I assume because she was still mostly asleep. It was barely 11:00 but I put her back in her bed, hoping she'd make it through the night without falling out again. She managed to stay in her bed until she called for me at 6:50 this morning... not bad... when I went in and got her up.
So this morning I assembled the bed rail and put it on her bed, much to Lily's upset. Now she can no longer reach to tuck her baby in to take pretend naps. :(
As if I need another thing in the house, can anybody recommend a nice baby doll bed?
And when I initially bought it I had every intention of putting it on her bed right away. But that night she slept in her bed just fine and so I put it off. Part of me was thinking that she just might get used to the new boundaries of her bed without any issues and maybe she wouldn't need a bed rail.
Well last night Lil fell out of bed, poor baby. I heard her cry out and when I got to her room she was whimpering in child's pose on the floor, not even attempting to get back in bed... I assume because she was still mostly asleep. It was barely 11:00 but I put her back in her bed, hoping she'd make it through the night without falling out again. She managed to stay in her bed until she called for me at 6:50 this morning... not bad... when I went in and got her up.
So this morning I assembled the bed rail and put it on her bed, much to Lily's upset. Now she can no longer reach to tuck her baby in to take pretend naps. :(
As if I need another thing in the house, can anybody recommend a nice baby doll bed?
Pretty Princess
Ah, new dress up clothes from Christmas are so much fun.
Too bad the attitude didn't match the facade today. My girl was a needy little thing; everything was "hungry" or "hold you" or "hand." (translation: "I'm hungry." "Pick me up." and "I want to hold hands.") Afternoon nap was pretty much a bust. But we did make it out to Target midday to get more plastic bins to store Lily's outgrown clothes. More closet cleaning... another project for tomorrow. :)
Too bad the attitude didn't match the facade today. My girl was a needy little thing; everything was "hungry" or "hold you" or "hand." (translation: "I'm hungry." "Pick me up." and "I want to hold hands.") Afternoon nap was pretty much a bust. But we did make it out to Target midday to get more plastic bins to store Lily's outgrown clothes. More closet cleaning... another project for tomorrow. :)
I finally bit the bullet and took Lil and myself in to get our seasonal and H1N1 influenza shots. (we were sick before the holidays so we couldn't get them then, and then we were gone six weeks)
She's quite mad at me. And her thigh aches, and so does my arm. Interestingly enough, those are our season shot sites.
Here's hoping I didn't over do it getting both in one day. Or that we don't get the aches the way we hear so many people do.
Other moms of little ones, did you get two does of the either vaccine for your kids? They told us to come back in 30 days, but I'd hate to put her through it again if I didn't really need to.
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She's quite mad at me. And her thigh aches, and so does my arm. Interestingly enough, those are our season shot sites.
Here's hoping I didn't over do it getting both in one day. Or that we don't get the aches the way we hear so many people do.
Other moms of little ones, did you get two does of the either vaccine for your kids? They told us to come back in 30 days, but I'd hate to put her through it again if I didn't really need to.
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Lil's Closet
I started going through the boxes of clothes in Lil's closet, to pull out the gender neutral stuff for David. Sadly the space is very full as I use it for storage since we are very limited on that precious commodity. I had to pull out the baby bathtub first, which quickly became a toy. Lily bathed her baby dolls and stayed out of the way (mostly).
Later she had left the room and gotten too quiet. When I found her I couldn't help but smile.

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Later she had left the room and gotten too quiet. When I found her I couldn't help but smile.

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"Sure, those are my cute new pink Converse that Papa gave me for Christmas. But I'd rather wear Uncle Jacob's boots."
We Made It!
Thank you friends, for your prayers and well wishes!
We made it home in one piece; no security issues, no delayed flights, no missed connections, no lost baggage! And at the end of it all, my friend Ruth was there to pick us up at the airport at 10:45 at night! Was I ever glad to see her!
(Kel, Ruth Torres says hi.)
My travel anxiety is an odd thing to me. I know we're going to get there eventually. I know I can handle layovers, etc. I know a lost bag is not the end of the world. But that's all in my brain.
Physiologically my body (my subconscious?) does NOT like to travel. I can't sleep the night before... sometimes even two nights if I let myself start thinking about it. I get a nervous stomach, and then some. :(
And the anxiety goes away in two waves. Once when we get through security and we are waiting for our flight to board and then a second time when we board the connecting flight. Guess my body's not so worried about lost baggage. ;) It's only happened to me once.
Everything seems normal here in NC. The heater is working. The water is still hot. Nothing is missing. The car started this morning. Now for the yucky part - the unpacking of all the stuff, the trying to get the gardening back under control and the HUGE pile of mail! I never imagined six weeks of mail would be so heinous. May I recommend to anyone else who gets way too many catalogs and would like to reduce their paper waste.
We made it home in one piece; no security issues, no delayed flights, no missed connections, no lost baggage! And at the end of it all, my friend Ruth was there to pick us up at the airport at 10:45 at night! Was I ever glad to see her!
(Kel, Ruth Torres says hi.)
My travel anxiety is an odd thing to me. I know we're going to get there eventually. I know I can handle layovers, etc. I know a lost bag is not the end of the world. But that's all in my brain.
Physiologically my body (my subconscious?) does NOT like to travel. I can't sleep the night before... sometimes even two nights if I let myself start thinking about it. I get a nervous stomach, and then some. :(
And the anxiety goes away in two waves. Once when we get through security and we are waiting for our flight to board and then a second time when we board the connecting flight. Guess my body's not so worried about lost baggage. ;) It's only happened to me once.
Everything seems normal here in NC. The heater is working. The water is still hot. Nothing is missing. The car started this morning. Now for the yucky part - the unpacking of all the stuff, the trying to get the gardening back under control and the HUGE pile of mail! I never imagined six weeks of mail would be so heinous. May I recommend to anyone else who gets way too many catalogs and would like to reduce their paper waste.
Here It Comes
I can feel the travel anxiety coming on. :(
I regret that my girl can feel it from me. I don't want her to think traveling is something terrible.
We head back to NC tomorrow and it's going to be a very long day. Right now I'm just trying to figure out how to get all the goodies home... and having a last minute visit with my brothers-in-law.
Yay, Joe is back from deployment.
God bless Mom for doing the cooking this evening.
I'll definitely be using a sleeping aid tonight.
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I regret that my girl can feel it from me. I don't want her to think traveling is something terrible.
We head back to NC tomorrow and it's going to be a very long day. Right now I'm just trying to figure out how to get all the goodies home... and having a last minute visit with my brothers-in-law.
Yay, Joe is back from deployment.
God bless Mom for doing the cooking this evening.
I'll definitely be using a sleeping aid tonight.
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Right Place, Right Time
Gramma was networking at the New Year's Eve party. She met a lady whose children are getting a little bigger and was looking to get rid of a Fisher Price playhouse. Papa offered his services today and took the truck to pick it up, but it arrived during afternoon naptime so we waited until after dinner to show it to her.
My child isn't spoiled or anything.
It even came with an extra pair of tricycles! :) Now the kid has three to choose from. Can we call that a plethora of tricycles?
My child isn't spoiled or anything.
Happy New Year!
I think Lil and I should ring in the New Year with the East Coast. We never make it to midnight here in Cali.
Lily had a great time dancing to the live band at the party we attended, but come 10:00-10:30 she started in on the "Hold you? Hold you?" wanting to be picked up. Which I can only do so long before my back starts to hurt. At 11:00 when the band took a break, I asked her if she wanted to go home and she lit right up, "Home?" and put her jacket on with no fuss. So Lil went to bed by a quarter after eleven I followed shortly, about a half hour later.
I feel so old. :)
Oddly enough, I don't really care if I miss midnight. It's always so anticlimactic for me. The clock changes, a ball drops somewhere, and I have been given permission to go to bed.
Lily had a great time dancing to the live band at the party we attended, but come 10:00-10:30 she started in on the "Hold you? Hold you?" wanting to be picked up. Which I can only do so long before my back starts to hurt. At 11:00 when the band took a break, I asked her if she wanted to go home and she lit right up, "Home?" and put her jacket on with no fuss. So Lil went to bed by a quarter after eleven I followed shortly, about a half hour later.
I feel so old. :)
Oddly enough, I don't really care if I miss midnight. It's always so anticlimactic for me. The clock changes, a ball drops somewhere, and I have been given permission to go to bed.
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