
Bad Mama

I've had a bed rail for Lily's bed since last Saturday.

And when I initially bought it I had every intention of putting it on her bed right away.  But that night she slept in her bed just fine and so I put it off.  Part of me was thinking that she just might get used to the new boundaries of her bed without any issues and maybe she wouldn't need a bed rail.

Well last night Lil fell out of bed, poor baby.  I heard her cry out and when I got to her room she was whimpering in child's pose on the floor, not even attempting to get back in bed... I assume because she was still mostly asleep.  It was barely 11:00 but I put her back in her bed, hoping she'd make it through the night without falling out again.  She managed to stay in her bed until she called for me at 6:50 this morning... not bad... when I went in and got her up.

So this morning I assembled the bed rail and put it on her bed, much to Lily's upset.  Now she can no longer reach to tuck her baby in to take pretend naps. :( 

As if I need another thing in the house, can anybody recommend a nice baby doll bed?


Angee's Blog said...

i feel bad, but this really made me laugh! poor thing! try craigslist?

Angee's Blog said...

maybe i should clarify.. i laughed because i can totally picture her getting upset about not being able to tuck her lil baby in ;( awww we miss you guys!

Jacob said...

Can she still get into bed on her own with the rails up?

Sara said...

She's never been able to get into the bed herself, Jake. That's why we put the step from the spare room at the foot of her bed.