
Belated Birthday

Jacob and Lily on Easter Sunday. Lily was 11 days old.

Happy Birthday Uncle Jacob! A day late. :( But only on the blog... we did call him yesterday.

If I recount correctly this year was the first time in seventeen years (Jake turned seventeen!) that I was not there for my brother's birthday. I went to college two hours away from my parents home so there was no excuse for missing birthdays six through nine. And then I moved back in with my parents when I was teaching at Christian Brothers, so there was really no excuse to miss ten through thirteen. In 2006 I was in California for most of the month of April putting the finishing touches on my "big" wedding; we planned for me to fly in on his fourteenth birthday so as not to miss it. 2007's birthday looked like this:

And this:

And last year I had Lily in California and we didn't leave for Georgia until the day after Jake's birthday. (which oddly enough would be one year ago today)

Once again, I digress.

We love you Jake! Happy Birthday!

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