
I don't get it....

So we put out the calls to the wives of A Co today, to let them know what flight and time they can expect their paratrooper this weekend. And to invite them to hang out with us at the company while the guys turn in their items, etc.

(We're going to share baked goodies and have hot dogs... I have to go to Sam's Club tomorrow!)

That's not the confusing part.

What confounds me is that no matter how hard we try to get the Family Readiness Group roster right, every time we make a call out we have disconnected numbers. Every. Single. Time.

Who in their right mind changes their phone number that often? and what do they accomplish by doing so?!?

I don't get it....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

they don't pay their bill, phone gets disconnected, they try a new company, new number, don't pay the bill and the cycle repeats - sad huh?