
Dare Devil

My kid has no fear. She climbs magazine racks at the library. She pushes her doll stroller up against the desk chair to give herself a boost. She boldly steps off of curbsides as if she had been walking longer than a week and a half.

I need to get video for you, but as soon as I get the camera out she attacks... I have several videos of her rushing the camera and they all end in a great big face.

Today she tried to climb into her friend Michaela's stroller while we were out shopping.

I routinely find her in situations like this:

At least she decided to hold on to something....

On a side note, I went to Once Upon a Child today. I found a pair of Stride Rite tennis shoes in size five that I couldn't pass up. They were ten dollars, and Stride Rite's are not cheep! Lil has been wearing pink Converse in size four, but I tried the SR's on her in the store and she took off without any problems.

I got home and felt a little bad... was I making my baby walk in too big shoes b/c I am cheap? So I went online and printed out Stride Rite's sizing chart. One of her feet is a 4.5 and the other is a five!

Are little people feet supposed to grow so fast!?

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