

I tried to bribe Lily to poop on the toilet today.

She wore panties most of the day and successfully told me when she had to pee three times. So I told her if she pooped on the potty, that I would give her chocolate.

We spent a lot of time in the bathroom. Waiting.

After an accident this evening, we switch back from panties to pull-ups.  Not ten minutes later she pooped in her pull-up before I could get her to the bathroom.

Sitting on the toilet, she asked me for chocolate.  I told her no, she hadn't put her poop in the potty.

She said, "It's right here Mom, in de diaper.  Put it in de toilet. I have chocolate?"

Smart girl.


1 comment:

Ali :) said...

Haha that is sooo funny! I guess there really is a loophole for everything! Leave it to a 2 year old to find one like that. ;)