
What Time Is It, Mom?

Lily is obsessed with the time.

"Look at the clock Mom! What does the clock say?"
It's six o'clock Lil.
"Six o'clock? Is time for school?"
No Lil, it's not a school day.
(and that was pm even, silly girl)

"Time to get up Mom?"
No Lily, it's not seven o'clock yet.
"Clock says it's not seven o'clock yet. Not time to get up."
"Clock say seven o'clock Mom?"

"It's eight twenty-five! Time to go to school!!!"

Not that she can read the clock....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Beth said...

That's fun.

Zeke used to ask the same thing every morning when we watched Sesame Street. I finally took one of our clocks with arms, and put masking tape arms on it in the position the real arms need to be in before Sesame Street would come one. Then, when he'd ask I'd point to the clock and ask him if the arms match yet.

Maybe you could try that with Lily?