
Hold My Hand

Lily is a funny little bug.  When she was an infant, she would "noodle" my fingers while nursing.  She couldn't just be still, she had to be wiggling her fingers and feeling my hand.

She's no longer a nurser, but she has her cup of milk first thing in the morning.

Literally, one of the first things.

It's the first thing she asks for when you get her up.  It's actually the second event of the morning, now that we make her go potty right away (heck, she wakes up dry... why not?) and sometimes third, if David wakes up when she does.  But she still insists on holding hands and noodling my fingers.  Which is quite a trick if I'm meeting someone else's first-thing-in-the-morning demand, nursing David.

I've actually managed to convinced her to hold my "belbo" on occasion.  And was really proud of myself.

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