
I Love Fall

Fall makes me feel like suddenly someone/something has given me permission to slow down.  I cook soups, breads and other foods that generally take a little longer to prepare. We go on walks, with no destination in mind or time to have to be back before it gets too hot out.  I knit/crochet and just plain sit still, without the associated guilt that I usually feel in the spring and summer. And I like it.

It doesn't have to all be done NOW. 

...except my holiday cards, which I feel like I should get out soon since we have recently moved and no one has our new address. ;)


Meagan said...

I agree...I love fall. We take Ashby for an early morning walk each day and I swear the air even smells better at this time of year.

Ells said...

We're so excited to be back in the America of changing leaves and crisp air! I'm excited to break out the crock pot and do beef stew again, too.