

No... make that terrified.

Of all the things to be afraid of, Lily is terrified of public restrooms.

Yesterday we were in Macy's and I took Lil to the restroom to change her diaper. There was no one else there, as it was the middle of the afternoon on a weekday. She whimpered on the changing table the whole time... that is, when she wasn't saying "Ow, ow, ow" which I've learned is code for "I'm distressed."

We went to Target earlier today and I had to make a pit stop. As soon as we walked in sight of the restroom door she started whimpering in my arms. There were lots of people. The moment we got into a stall she started to cry. The stall next to us flushed and she started screaming. And she didn't stop until we got back out of the restroom. Poor baby.

I'm such a stud, I took care of business without ever putting the kid down. Not that she'd have let me if I tried....

But I couldn't help but wonder what the other people in the bathroom must have thought.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow... i remember being quite the stud myself, with Garrett -- when I was pregnant with Syd.
I mean, I think a medal is in order when a pregnant lady can pee slouching over to pull britches down. . . holding a toddler . . . and last throughout the whole "pee-stream". I mean seriously, Sara, mothers are one-of-a-kind, aren't we?