
Naked Kid

Lil has been working her way down to one nap a day. (oddly enough it is at about 10 o'clock when she just got up at seven!) But today I think she played through naptime. She was tired and cranky at four this afternoon so I tried to put her down again. She was pretty quiet for about 20 minutes... I went to peek in at her and found a naked baby in the crib. Again.

Anytime I put her down and she doesn't want to nap she goes straight for the clothes. We even had company this evening, and every other time I'd look over at her she'd be trying to take her shirt off.

Anyone else have this kind of kid? Any ideas on how to keep her clothes on?


Beth said...

I almost wish I had this problem. My boys haven't figured out undressing yet, and I really wish they would. It would help. A lot.

Although, Deacon has mastered taking off his socks, which he does every time he's in bed. Usually just the left one though.

Julie Danielle said...

I haven't had one like that either. Kids can be so funny though. I love Lily's age :)

Anonymous said...

Why stop her? Her cute little tushie is only gonna be that adorable for a short time. hehe. I wish we could all be so confident in our birthday suits. ;)