
What Did You Just Say?

I was trying to maintain my sanity a couple of days ago, doing chores and trying to giving Lily enough attention to keep her happy, (no easy feat) so I started counting out loud to ten.  About the third time through I had to stop and listen.  Lily was actually saying something back…

My kid can count even numbers to ten… how funny is that?!

I swear, I have no clue how she learned them.  I did not teach them to her deliberately. 

But, as you can tell from the first half of that clip, we’re working on getting the odds in there too now.

(Did she say thank you at the end, when I told her she did a good job?)


Daddy said...

Wow Lily, that was really good. I am so proud of you learning how to count. I really enjoyed the video.
Love Daddy

Kaitlin said...

Oh my goodness, Sara, she is SO smart. Though, to be honest, I'm not at all surprised with you two as parents. lol.

Not only is my goddaughter brilliant, she's also pretty much the most adorable thing I've seen all week.


Gramma V. said...

I can hardly wait! I want to count, too! =)

Linda said...

Yay Lily!! What a smartie pants you are! And so polite, too. I heard those thank-yous!