
Your Attention Please

I would like to announce that Baby White #2 is a boy!

We had our ultrasound appointment last night (yeah I said night, silly military facilities) and at first we were having some trouble seeing baby's gender because the umbilical cord was running right between his legs.  But after a few measurements and some moving around we got a pretty decent shot.

Thank you, Mr Ultrasound Tech, for the helpful circle. ;)

Mom called it right for the second time in a row!  Lily has no clue, but will point to my stomach if you ask her where our baby is.  And Jacob sounded pretty pleased when I got to talk to him on the phone breifly this morning.

So now we have one of each... and I have to do some shopping for boy clothes!


Linda said...

Congrats! How wonderful for you guys!

Julie Danielle said...

How exciting!!! Boys are great :)

Niki said...

Congrats on the little bambino!!! Boys are sooo much fun! Lilly's going to love being a big sister!