Okay peeps... tomorrow is travel day! We are braving the traveling crowds and taking a let-me-do-it-but-I-still-want-you-to-hold-me nine-month-old on a pair of flights cross country that should take about eight hours. Of course that's just from departure to landing. Really it's an hour+ to the airport where we are supposed to arrive hours early and then there will be collecting bagage and an hour's drive on the other end... so more like twelve hours worth of travel. Okay Mommies who have done it, any advice? At least say a prayer for us!
We are headed for the land of the dreaded Dial-Up Internet. That's right, my mom still has dial-up. So posts will be fewer and farther in between. Sorry. I know you will miss me and all. ;) We wish you a very Happy Hanukkah this weekend and a Merry Christmas next week, heck while we're at it, Happy New Year too! We'll be sure to post pictures soon.
I'll be home for Christmas!
What a day!
Then there was the half an hour of crying because someone did not want to take their nap.... This is the colapsed-on-the-stuffed-animals pose that is getting to be pretty popular around here.
And then for the really fun stuff, Lil and I in our matching aprons, whipping up a batch of gingerbread. She just went down for her afternoon nap, so we will have to cut them out and bake them later, but we'll be sure to post pics.
Our house is not super fantastic or anything, but we did put up lights. :) They are a little straight for my liking, but when you use gutter-clips this is what you get:
And Lily loves to look at our tree. She has been super good about not touching it... I think I only pulled her away from it once. Look out Gramma, that must mean she is waiting for your tree!
OH! and before I forget... Lily is nine months old today!! Time flies. :)
Santa Baby
But it did...
Jacob got a new 1st Sargent today and you'll never believe what his name is.....
Captain White and 1st Sargent Black.
okay... so I'm being a little silly, but that strikes me as so FUNNY! You know, like Major Major. :D
So instead, I popped over to thecutestblogontheblock.com to find a premade background. If you dropped in yesterday it was quite red around here... too much for me. So today I am trying again with a premade in green.
In my own little perfect world it would have looked like this:
There, now all that work wasn't for nothing!
Off topic... I did manage to figure out how I screwed up the whole comments thing... they seem to be working fine, once again. :)
Meme away everybody!
Doing a Meme
My friend, Beth, did this particular meme on her site and invited us to do the same. (Sorry I never posted where I blog from Beth.) The rules are as follows:
Go to your sixth picture folder
Select the sixth picture
Tell the story behind the picture
Since I have a billion pictures of Lily you can bet who will be in the photo. My folders are alphabetized by month, so our picture comes from April:
This is my mom and I (no resemblance or anything) with little Lily out for a day of baseball watching. My brother, Jake, was playing for his high school team. Let me see... that would make Lily 23 days old in this picture.
Dancing Fool!
The next question is whether she got her sense of rhythm from her mom or her dad. :)
(...if you ask me, it looks like her dad...)
Keeping one step ahead

At any rate, just this week, Lil has started pulling up on the coffee table and couches. She promptly falls back down... well, less promptly today, now that I think about it... but she pulls up none-the-less. She has way more strength than balance! ;) So I figured I better get that crib dropped down pretty soon. Procrastinating as usual, I went to check on her during her nap today, only to find her kneeling at the rail, eyes just above her little hands. Soooooo... I went straight for the tool box and put that baby down.
My goal for this weekend? Maybe I can get all the cabinet locks installed in the kitchen.

Lily did it!
And its not like she's really been working up to it, she just barely started spending time on her hands and knees. But today, just on a whim I put her in a disposable diaper instead of the cloth after her afternoon nap. That's all it took for her and she was off!
Guess I better go weigh her down again....
Out to eat

The poor jailbird.
My latest creation
It has been a slow project that is for sure! Mostly done during nap times and after Lily has gone to bed.
The cell phone is for size comparison. Note it is not completely done. Yes, those are pins holding the handles on, I have some hand stitching to do.
But I like it... I think I'll keep it for myself, lol.
Oh Lil...

I thought I would just ignore it. When she realized that screaming and pitching a fit wouldn't get her what she wanted she would stop. Boy was I wrong. That just makes her madder. The poor kid is going to scream herself hoarse. I was making dinner this evening, before Jacob and one of his LTs got home, and Lily was on the rug in the kitchen with me just bawling. I'm talking to her the whole time; telling her what I am doing, telling her crying like that is not okay, telling her that I can pick her up again when I am done. I finally had to put her in her crib, I just couldn't get anything done. When she finally stopped screaming (fortunately I was done) I went back and picked her up. Is she too little to understand a time out? Is that essentially what I did to her? Any ideas?
Yay Lily!
Hahaha, mom's won't care.
My Lil is still doing the combo diapering; cloth during the day and a disposable at night. She has a tendency to poop first thing in the morning, right before I get her up, in that disposable diaper. Yay, easy cloth diapers to wash!
And, knock on wood, Lily slept from 7:30 until 4:30 the last two nights. Crossing my fingers we are finally sleeping through the night!
Lily Rocks!
The new digs... a few pics

Post Edit: Her head is on the left side of the crib... Sorry it was more interesting in my mind...
Making up stuff
I was teasing her, I put her pacifier in my mouth, nothing I haven't done before. She usually snags it and it goes right into her mouth. Well today she giggled and stuck it back in my mouth! Which then cracked her up even more and she squealed... and proceeded to do it all again.
Silly girl. :)
This and That
Late Crawler

You took your sweet time about crawling, too. You didn't crawl until after 8 months or walk until 14! Every day your sweet baby girl brings back more and more memories of you growing up! I bet Dianna thinks the same about Jacob. Daddy says the video of Lily "not" crawling reminds him of this shot from Spring 1980. ;b
Not crawling and funny noises
Lily doesn't find herself in any hurry to crawl. In fact, when she finds herself on her tummy she just flails and cries. In the last couple of days she has started lifting her butt in the air... but her upper body is still on the ground.
As a side note, around second 14 of this clip you can hear Lil's favorite sound. Does she mamama? Does she dadada? No. My daughter is practicing her t-h blend. Thhhhhhh.... Go figure.
The Kitchen Again
The Kitchen
I don't know if I told you, but...
Anywho, keep us both in your prayers.
Copying Kelly
Guess what!
But that's not the big news... as I was getting her ready for bed last night... I noticed that Lil is cutting her first tooth! It just barely split the gums but you can see the very tiny tip of a tooth! Bottom right, for those of you playing along at home. :D
Just for the fun of it :)
Somehow we managed to get the house on a Friday. But we couldn't get the furniture delivered until Monday. So what did we do? We decided it would be the perfect time to paint. Lily's room is pink (of course!) and the kitchen is a nice sunny yellow. I have to get some pics of the place so I can share... you know... when its clean, lol.
The one when Lily got her hairs cut.
Her hair was so long in the back! And the place where babies tend to rub their hair off while lying on the floor was missing, so there was a big "step" in the middle. I think she looked like she was sporting a baby mullet. At any rate I had hoped to do it before her baptism but poor Nancy, our friend who cuts my hair, had hurt her arm. So we made a special trip after the baptism to see Nancy and get Lil's hair trimmed. It looked sooooo much better when she was done.
Sadly, Lily is in need again... and we won't be anywhere near California until December. :(
Lily's Baptism
Lily was great and didn't make a sound as the water was poured over her head, but she didn't like lying back too much. :) And boy, did she want that candle flame! Lily is blessed to have my cousins Ben and Kaitlin as her godparents.