Lily's friend Michaela is turning one today. We are having an impromptu birthday party tonight, just the girls. Michaela is having her "real" party on Sunday b/c the daddies are on a field exercise tonight.
So I am making Michaela a cake. White cake with butter-cream frosting, if you must know. I opened the fridge to get the eggs and since Lil was underfoot and loves playing in there, I left the door open for her, to keep her out of my way for a minute.
However, I forgot that I made Jacob a pudding pie last night.
Minor details....
She was super quiet and so I turned around... only to find brown little hands covered in chocolate pudding! It was super cute. But I panicked and got her hands washed before she could touch anything else, and tragically before I thought to take pictures! So here is the aftermath. Chocolate pudding all over the bread bags, and a pretty little hand print in half a pie:

1 comment:
Thanks! I needed a good chuckle right about now!
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