And now she is snuggled in bed, sleeping in late, with her daddy. Awwwww.
Then we were delayed until 1:30.
Then we were delayed until 2:00.
Then we were delayed until 3:00.
We started boarding about 3:30 and made our way over to Dallas. Arriving at 4:35, we had already missed our connecting flight at 2:35. So the agent we spoke to re-booked us on the 4:30 flight that was delayed until 5:30 (but really didn't take off until 6:30). With all the melee, I couldn't resist adding to the fun by asking the agent if the flight was full, and if there was any possibility of taking the infant seat on board with us. She took my boarding pass and sent me away to get something to eat while she worked on it.
Sure enough, by some grace or magic, she was able to get the seat next to mine open! Getting on the plane was a little tricky; me and the baby, and our carry-on, and the backpack, and the infant seat. But once we got settled, I sat Lele in her seat and strapped her in and the blessed child fell right to sleep... and slept. She slept from before take off until I moved her seat to de-board the plane at 9:45! I have never been so comfortable on a flight! I put the backpack under the seat in front of Lil so I had plenty of room for my feet. Heck I could even cross my legs. And with out having to juggle the kiddo the whole time I was able to even close my eyes and take a little nap.
Anyway, once in Raleigh, we made our way to the meeting place for the park and ride, got to our car and drove home without any other excitement.
Try Again

Attacked by the Weather
Will we make it home? Stay tuned for tomorrow's installment....
Attacked by the Weather... Part II
Josh had a "snow" day today. Ft. Sill was closed and so he was kind enough to load Lily and I up in the car and attempt to take us to the Lawton Airport. Not even a quarter of the way there my cell phone jingled (I had signed up for text updates) our flight had been cancelled. So we turned back around, rescheduled our flight for tomorrow and are now chilling for another night here with the Walters.
And tomorrow? Who knows....
Lily and Deacon
Maybe we should have considered what the kids thought?
New Dance Moves
Okay so I know this video is a little longer than I usually post, so I'll save the random pictures for tomorrow. :) Lily cracked us all up last night (after we watched WALL-E) with her new dance moves. I'm pretty sure she made them up all by herself....
A Little Bit of Everything
Last night Lily had spaghetti for the first time!
Followed by some World of Warcraft with Ms Beth. Daddy's been trying to train her as a gamer, maybe he was just using the wrong gaming platform.
A Love Affair
Lil is also thoroughly enjoying Ms Beth. She is so much fun! And she has the coolest toys at her house. Not to mention the best snacks ever!
She did so well yesterday. I thought perhaps a strange new place might be a bit much for her, but she loved it!
As a side note... Daddy, Lily might need a toolbench of her own.
We made it!
The snow was ridiculous on the way to the Raleigh airport! If you know anything about my travel anxiety you know I was not happy to hear that North Carolina was to be the focus of a one day snow storm... the day I was supposed to drive half way across the state! So I stressed, how early did I have to leave? How fast should I really be driving? Oh please, don't let some other idiot ruin my trip! No lie, I passed dozens of cars that had lost control and spun out or completely run off the road! And by the time I got to the park and ride I still had to worry about getting through security, etc. Thankfully there were no problems getting to our gate. We even managed to adopt a nice fellow who helped carry the infant seat since he was headed to Dallas with us. (Brett even bought us a bottle of water... he was on a business trip and charged it to the company along with his breakfast... weird but nice.) Then the delays began. Our flight that was supposed to take off at 11:35 got delayed until 11:55 and then 12:15 and then 1:00. We finally boarded at 1:30! I had initially cursed the three hour layover we were supposed to have in Dallas but boy was I grateful then. Lily was a good girl on the plane but only napped the last half hour. :( We landed at 4:35 and then we booked it through the terminal to our connecting flight scheduled for 4:55. Was that ever close! Another hour flight and we found ourselves in Lawton and who met us at the terminal but Beth and Zeke! Deacon and Josh were waiting for us back at the house. It is soooo good to see them!
At any rate I promised a few pics so these will have to tide you over until I can get more.
Here's Zeke and Deacon and Lily with Beth's Step-mom opening a new toy... looks like Christmas!
And here's Lil contemplating taking over Zeke's train set... look out.
Lily decided to steal Zeke's juice cup instead.
We're off!
I packed my camera, extra battery and USB cord so hopefully I'll have some pics of Zeke, Deacon and Lily to share by tomorrow!!!
Getting Ready!
Did you know that active duty military get a waver on the checked baggage fee from most airlines? Military dependents, however, are not so lucky... so Lil and I will once again be sharing a bag (since I still won't buy her her own seat, thus she doesn't get baggage) and this time it will be my carry on. I can't stomach the thought of spending an additional 15 dollars either way just to bring my shampoo or toothpaste! Hear that Josh... I'm going to steal your toothpaste. ;) So we'll buy Lily diapers while there (actually I think Josh was already tasked with picking them up, lol) and wash laundry too. Thank goodness Beth loves us, or I might think we were a burden!
So I leave you with a mental picture. Me slogging through the Dallas Airport trying to make our connecting flight with Lily on one hip, the diaper backpack on my back, wheeling the carry on behind me. And the car seat? Well... I'll just have to figure that part out when I get there!
Backwards Rhyme
One bright day in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight.
Back to back they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other.
A deaf policeman heard the noise,
Came and shot the two dead boys.
If you do not believe this lie is true,
Ask the blind man; he saw it too!
My mom taught me this rhyme, while driving in the car (on the 210 freeway if I am not mistaken) when I was a little girl. I have no idea where she learned it. Looking it up on the all-knowing-Internet I discovered many variations (some of which do not rhyme!) and even a prologue and four additional couplets. If you feeling geeky check it out here and here. I was tickled to find a similar rhyme, recited by British schoolchildren, that struck my fancy on the the first referenced web page.
I went to the pictures tomorrow
I took a front seat in the back,
I fell from the pit to the gallery
And broke a front bone in my back.
A lady she gave me some chocolate,
I ate it and gave it her back.
I phoned for a taxi and walked it,
And that's why I never came back.
Birthday Cake

I wish it had turned out a little more "Princess" (I tried to find a cute little crown or tiara to adorn the top, but no such luck.) and a little less "Uniqua." Guess that's what I get for using pink polka dots.

My Cousin Tim has a bit coming up in an episode of House. I believe the episode is called "Big Baby" and it airs January 26th. Hear that Beth? We are so watching house. So anyway, the episode starts out with a special ed teacher having a coughing fit and two young boys with Down syndrome run in to hug her. My cousin Tim is the first little boy. (I say little but if I recall correctly Tim is now eight... not so little anymore.) That is, of course, as long as his take didn't get cut. Cross your fingers... I want to see my buddy on TV!
Shots and Sugar
In other random news, I attempted to make fondant tonight. But not just any fondant, marshmallow fondant. Have you ever had fondant? It tastes terrible! But it is an awful lot of fun to decorate cakes with. So I found a recipe for fondant that uses melted marshmallows as the base. I'm making a cake for my friend Staci's birthday party this weekend, so I'll have to let you know how it goes. Will the fondant be a bust? It's a good thing I know how to make butter-cream!
Cream of Potato Soup
I made cream of potato soup for dinner tonight. Mmmmm, comfort food. It's easy and it's always a hit when I make it so I thought I'd share:
2 cups beef consumé (or broth/stock)
three or four med-big potatoes peeled and cubed
1/2tsp dried dill
- boil until potatoes are tender
- puree potatoes and liquid, return to pot
add 1 cup light cream (or heavy cream, or half and half, whatever makes you happy)
Salt and pepper to taste.
I served it with a lovely garlic sour dough bread. You can of course serve with bacon bits or cheese or sour cream too!
10 Months

She continues to improve her balance, letting go more often and for longer periods of time. Today I actually counted to "five-one-thousand" before she decided to grab hold of the coffee table again. I hear the process of learning balance and then taking the first few steps takes a while. Which is good, because I am not ready to have a walker yet. I didn't walk until 14 months; dare I wish?
Just two more months and we're gonna have a birthday party.... Trouble is, I have no clue what to do for a theme. Any brilliant ideas out there?
Poor Kid
Anyway, it was a rough night of not being able to breathe with intermittent snot sucking (aspirating), which she HATES. Today she just wants to cuddle. I finally got her to sleep in my bed at about noon and it’s been about two hours now… a record for Lil.
Another New Trick
Well, we were eating dinner and I had a box of Yoo-Hoo since I couldn't remember the last time I'd had it. I thought nothing of letting Lily chew on my straw as I sat talking with some other ladies. Little did I realize she was figuring out how to suck on it! She was quite happy with herself and later in the evening when I had a CapriSun... forget about it... she wasn't giving it back!
Uh, Lily has discovered how to use a straw. I hear they make juice boxes for toddlers with watered down juice? Any recommended favs?
Favorite Food?
Myself, I am still partial to the other potato. Boil 'em, mash 'em, put 'em in a stew. And many other wonderful things you can do with them. Heck add some dairy (butter, cheese, cream, sour cream, etc) and I am quite the happy lady. The only other thing that tops potato in my head at the moment is chocolate... but we won't go there.
What's your favorite food?
This is the first time we have played Peek-A-Boo with her hiding all by herself!
Another Kitchen
My Little Ham... "Say Cheese"
Sorry to video you again so soon, but I had a talker on my hands this morning and just had to share.
Lily says thanks to her nino for the NAU t-shirt. It sure is soft!
Lily on the Mic
That kid cracks me up!
Uncle Jake
Today belongs to Uncle Jake, who happens to adore his niece. (Hard to blame him.) Here he is reading her the book Everybody Poops or something like that; can you see the incredulousness in her face. She's like, "Really? And somebody wrote a book about it?"
Of course, the adoration started long ago. Here he is holding Lily when she was six days old. Do you think he'll be embarrassed that I posted this picture? Somehow I doubt it.
We love you Uncle Jake!
Here they are...
This is the group that gets together on Christmas morning to do gift exchanges and eat super-yummy-uber-good tamales! In the crowd are my Grandma, her five kids, and their spouses, and their children (and children-in-law) and, as of Lil' Miss Lil, grandchild. As you can see Lily is not too sure about it all, lol. No, I kid, she LOVED it!
And in case you're wondering, her shirt says "Santa's Favorite"
Christmas Morning
Did I ever tell you?
Okay maybe hate is too strong a word. But I really don't like it.
Cars don't bother me so much. With car trips I only worry that I might have forgotten to pack something.
I get really bad anxiety the night before I am supposed to get on a plane. With plane travel it's not even the small danger of flying that bothers me. No, with me it's the annoying need to be on time and in control. You just can't be in control of things like airlines and security check points.
That said, we fly back to NC tomorrow. Back to the land of high-speed internet and more regular posts. I just hope my nerves make it. ;)